The 2023 Farm Bill: A Hidden Panacea?

Every demographic can prosper from elevating the upcoming renewal of American agricultural funds

Anthony Eichberger
Climate Conscious


In my recent “debut piece” for Medium, I’ve outlined many of the overlooked ways in which the industry of agriculture overlaps with issues that already receive much more traction within the political world — health care, education, climate change, and trade policy being among them.

The 2018 Farm Bill established some modest-but-important provisions — namely the Office of Urban Agriculture & Innovative Production and a Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP). However, between now and the year 2023 we have a chance, as Americans, to seize upon this innovation and provide USDA funding for a new trajectory in U.S. agriculture that would benefit everyone.

Our food supply is a key national security issue, being central to America’s ability (or inability) to feed ourselves and many of our allies. But it’s easy to forget that.

The Farm Bill is traditionally one of the rare areas of bipartisan cooperation on Capitol Hill, since Republicans and Democrats alike have a vested interest in proving to their constituents how much they value rural workers and nutrition programs.



Anthony Eichberger
Climate Conscious

Gay. Millennial. Pagan/Polytheist. Disabled. Rural-Born. Politically-Independent. Fashion-Challenged. Rational Egoist. Survivor. #AgriWarrior (Deal With It!)