The Climate Change Narrative Is the Most Dangerous Piece of Fiction Ever Created

There’s no solution to climate change without the truth

Brad Zarnett
Climate Conscious


Photo: Suzy Hazelwood (

It’s scary to think that a tiny group of ideologically driven psychopaths are unravelling our planet’s ecosystems to add to their already obscene wealth. But as difficult as it may be to comprehend, we must face this reality head-on, because quite simply, there’s no upside to avoiding the truth. We need to know exactly what we’re dealing with if we hope to pool humanity’s collective ingenuity and prevent an ecological disaster. There’s still time!

The Mainstream (Ruling Elite) Narrative

Climate change is a serious problem. The burning of fossil fuels has caused an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide and the planet is warming. We can already see widespread impacts in the form of bigger storms, raging forest fires, worsening droughts, intense flooding, and warmer summers. We’ve also seen some strange winter weather with something called the polar vortex where deep freezes reach…



Brad Zarnett
Climate Conscious

I expose the climate fiction that’s peddled as the truth, and I work everyday to find a way to prevent the worst of climate change.