The Exciting Biodiversity Plan You Might Have Missed

Why the ’30 by 30’ plan could turn the tide of conservation both in America and around the world.

Danny Schleien
Climate Conscious


When I think of ’30 for 30’, the first thing that comes to mind is ESPN’s award-winning series of sports documentaries released under that title. In that case, the ’30’ represented 30 years of ESPN.

From “You Don’t Know Bo” to “Four Days in October”, 30 for 30 has something magical for any major sports fan. But I now have something much more consequential than sports to associate ’30 for 30’ with. Except instead of the word ‘for’, it’s the word ‘by’.

Hidden in the details of the recently released Democratic Party’s national platform is a plan that has received scant attention in scientific media circles. It’s called ’30 by 30’, and it could turn the tide of conservation both in America and around the world.

A Straightforward Goal With An Uncertain Future:

’30 by 30’ stands for protecting 30% of the world’s land and waters by 2030.

As Grist recounted: The draft plan, released in January 2020 by the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity, “outlines a path for combating the biodiversity crisis that many scientists say is the start of…



Danny Schleien
Climate Conscious

Writer, editor, explorer, lifelong learner. Social distancing expert since 1994, big fan of semicolons and Oxford commas. Think green.