The Future Will Not Hold: Saving The Planet With Individual Actions

The earth’s balance is shifting, and it won’t sustain us for long.

Rina Zhubi
Climate Conscious


Markus Spiske via Unspalsh

I woke up and ran to the window. The whiteness was blinding my eyes.

It was snowing when I slept the night before, and now over 40 cm of snow covered the yard. Excited, I ran to my parent’s bedroom, waking up my mom. “Mom, please wake up. I need to eat breakfast and wear my winter clothes. It is snowing, and my friends are waiting for me outside”.

My mom looked at the clock and replied, “Rina, it is 7:30 in the morning, no one is waiting for you outside. I will get up soon and make you breakfast”.

I was seven years old at that time. I was on winter break — my favorite school break. It meant that I would spend all day snowballing with my friends.

Together we went to a small hill next to my home. We rode the slides, built snowmen, and had a girl vs. boys snowball fight. By the time lunch was ready, we couldn’t move our fingers from the cold.

Fast-forwarding today, 21 years later, I’ve just lived the driest winter ever.

In fact, the only times we got snow were February and March (yeah, the first day of spring, we were…

