The Missing Piece for Green (MPG): How to Get the Whole World to Buy-In

Nissim Dahan
Climate Conscious
Published in
6 min readMay 4, 2022
Photos from Wikipedia Commons

By some estimates, 99% of all the species that have been here on earth have become extinct, only to be replaced by others. Is it possible that we may soon be one of them?

With climate change, economic inequality, and violence looming at our doorstep, humanity has painted itself into an existential corner. We either fix things quickly, or we’re going down. It’s that simple.

And time is of the essence. For the first time in human history, Mother Nature is giving us a deadline. The vast majority of scientists agree that if we don’t fix things by 2050, then by 2100 civilization as we know it will fundamentally change, or may even cease to exist.

But here’s the catch. Going green calls for the single greatest transformation in human history; including what we eat, how we get around, how we build and make things, and how we produce energy. Since the problem is so all-encompassing, the entire world will have to join in if we hope to save ourselves in time.

So how do we get the whole world to buy-in? And come to think of it, when has the entire world ever bought into anything?

We propose The Missing Piece for Green, or MPG for short, which is a way of getting our leaders to prioritize sustainability, by throwing in prosperity and peace into the mix.

In other words, instead of tackling one problem at a time, why not come up with a solution that cures most of what ails us — all in one shot? Could that make the difference? Could such a multi-faceted approach turbocharge solutions to our most pressing problems, all at the same time?

What are the greatest threats we face in our time? Climate change is probably the greatest challenge facing humanity today. It could prove to be a dead-end for the destiny of mankind. However, economic inequality is certainly right up there toward the top of the list. And so is the search for peaceful coexistence both within nations and between nations.

Sustainability, Prosperity, and Peace are at the forefront of the challenges we face, and are the foundations of MPG, like the three legs of a three-legged table, each leg working with the others to support the table on which the world sits.

MPG is about building Green Industrial Zones using The Destiny Model as a blueprint, and using An Ideology of Common Sense as our sales pitch to spread the word, in order to get the whole world to buy-in.

Let’s start with The Destiny Model. Destiny is designed to inspire our young people with hope, and deliver on that promise with a virtuous cycle of opportunity, and an ownership stake in their communities, using such tools as mentoring, apprenticeship, employment, entrepreneurship, and homeownership.

D-E-S-T-I-N-Y is an acronym, where each letter stands for another element of what it will take to bring about positive change on a massive scale.

D is for Diversity: Imagine a Green Industrial Zone where people of diverse backgrounds, races, and religions show up to work on a daily basis, and use game-changing technologies to address such issues as clean water, food production, healthcare, and green energy.

E is for Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship: Imagine apprenticeship programs and vocational schools that teach the skills required for good-paying jobs; jobs which allow our workers to purchase homes, start new businesses, and become part of a strong and vibrant middle class.

S is for Sustainability: Our Green Industrial Zones will house Green-tech incubators that facilitate the flow of ideas, spark innovation and start-ups, and help budding entrepreneurs get started.

T is for Tolerance and Trust: A colony of artists will help to inculcate a culture of tolerance and trust by producing movies, concerts, theater, painting, pottery, digital design, and the like; works of art which highlight our fundamental connection to the natural world, and to one another.

I is for Ideology: We will use an Ideology of Common Sense — a new framework for rational discourse — as our sales pitch, to spread the word, to win over hearts and minds, and to transform a few isolated projects into a global movement for positive change. Instead of believing what we want to believe, why not believe in what makes sense? Instead of jumping to false beliefs and rationalizing why we’re right, why not use rationality in the first place to arrive at what is truly worth believing in? In a more perfect world, common sense — the collective wisdom born of shared experience — will inspire our thinking, inform our speech, and guide our actions. In our fractured world, common sense is the common denominator.

N is for New Models: Instead of philosophizing about our woes, let’s build models, such as Green Industrial Zones, that we can actually see and touch, that speak louder than words, and that prove that “hope” is more than just a slogan, that it can be made real in the everyday lives of everyday people.

And finally, Y is for Young People: Giving our young people a place at the table, a job, a sense of dignity, a reason to keep the peace, and the hope they need that they too will be able to enjoy a sustainable world for generations yet to come.

MPG will lead to all sorts of positive results including:

  • A sustainable world.
  • A world where people work together to grow and diversify regional economies by building new engines for economic growth including using oil profits to create green profits.
  • A world where neutral pathways to peace begin to emerge as people begin to humanize one another by working together in common purpose.

MPG is a movement for positive change which provides a branding opportunity for corporations that want to make a difference.

MPG is not just about green energy, but about energizing the move toward green. It’s about pushing us faster toward sustainability to the fullest extent possible by throwing prosperity and peace into the mix.

MPG is about Synthesis — mixing the right ingredients together; Symbiosis — creating win/win relationships, and Synergy — building a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

In summary: MPG is all things considered, and all things connected. It is a social movement for positive change and a ready branding opportunity for those who want to make a difference. It is a multi-faceted solution that allows each of us to play a role, each in his or her own way.

  • Sustainability, Prosperity, and Peace
  • Synthesis, Symbiosis, and Synergy
  • The Destiny Model, Green Industrial Zones, and An Ideology of Common Sense

It’s time to come together, in common purpose, and embrace a broad-based solution that makes sense. Something we can all agree on, for a change.

Global problems require global solutions, so how do we get the whole world to buy-in?

At a time when the whole world is looking for answers, what begins as a single solitary project, like a Green Industrial Zone, for example, can well blossom into a global movement for positive change. But only if we offer the right answer; an answer we can all buy into; an answer where everybody wins.

  • If you or your company has a project in mind, or is underway, perhaps we could integrate MPG as part of your development plan. MPG is the branding solution to position your venture as a leading global mover for change. And that can only be good for business.
  • If you have a suggestion for expanding or implementing MPG, we would love to talk.
  • If you have any ideas or contacts that could help this dream come true, we are ready to listen.

While innovation, finance, and political will are indispensable in our battle against climate change, MPG is the spark that lights the fire of a global movement for positive change, and the super glue that holds it all together, for generations to come.

We seem to have come to a fork in the road. It’s time to decide which way to go.

  • Do we choose a dead-end to the destiny of man? Or do we choose a new beginning?
  • Do we keep ourselves divided; cut off from the world we live in, and from one another? Or do we build bridges between ourselves and the natural world, between the haves and the have-nots, between ourselves and our fellow man?

The choice is ours. It always has been. And everything we know and love hangs in the balance. Therefore, this may well be the time, before time runs out, to dream the impossible, and make the impossible come true.

Please take a look at our video, The Missing Piece for Green (MPG), to better visualize the solution we propose, and don’t hesitate to get in touch. Like it or not, we need one another to make this happen. We owe it to ourselves to give it a try.



Nissim Dahan
Climate Conscious

I am a retired lawyer, builder, and land developer. Now, with more time on my hands, I'd love to play a role in bringing positive change to the world.