There’s Always Something “More Pressing” Than Climate Change

And it’s the biggest obstacle to saving the planet

George Dillard
Climate Conscious


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

It’s the nightmare scenario — you go to the doctor for a routine checkup and she finds that you have cancer. An initially slow-moving cancer, but one that will accelerate its growth over time. If you don’t treat it, it will eventually kill you.

Luckily, your doctor says, there is a treatment that you can pursue. It will be unpleasant at times, it will cost money, and it will require you to forego some of the things you had planned for the next few years. But you’re much more likely to be alive and healthy at the end of the treatment than if you just let the cancer grow unabated.

If this were you, you’d start the treatment, right?

Or would you say, well, I’ve got my daughter’s graduation coming up, so I want to focus on that. I’ll deal with the cancer later.

And then, after your daughter has graduated, your car breaks down. I need a car to get to the doctor, you say, so I’ll worry about selling this old one and buying a new one, and then I’ll deal with the cancer.

After the car is sorted, you’ve got a big thing coming up at work. It’s a real crisis! Let me get through this crunch time, you say, and then I’ll deal with the cancer.

