Why Small Scale Gardening Is The Way To Go

A gardener's dream is to expand his garden, but it is not the most sustainable way to live.

Paola Perez
Climate Conscious


Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Gardening is an amazing hobby. It is entertaining and beneficial in many ways. I have always loved gardening. My dream was to own at least one acre of land to have all kinds of vegetables and ornamental plants. Who wouldn’t want that?

However, as I’ve grown and learned new things, I’ve realized that my small garden is the perfect one. Small gardens are easy to manage and are more sustainable than large-scale gardens. There are three reasons why I strongly believe small-scale gardens are the way to go.


Plants require good soil and water to grow well and produce healthy foods. Some plants like succulents and cacti do well with little water; however, most vegetables and fruit trees require a ton of water to thrive.

While many of us water our gardens with reused water and collect rainwater, we have to use tap water for our plants at some point. And the larger the garden, the more water is needed.

“One inch of rain is a lot of water. For a 100 square-foot area, one inch of rain is 62 gallons. Figure out the actual size of your garden by measuring length and width in feet. Multiply those…

