Will We Be Able to Restore the Natural Carbon Cycles?

Climate conditions on Earth depend on cycles

Semida Silveira
Climate Conscious


Simplified schematic of the global carbon cycle, IPCC WG1AR5, 2013

Climate conditions on Earth depend on cycles. These cycles are a gift from Nature. They provide ecosystem services of central importance for a healthy planet and our lives. Greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activity are changing natural cycles and disturbing ecosystems dramatically.

Take, for example, the carbon cycle. Carbon is an abundant element on our planet. It is present in rocks, soils, the oceans, and the atmosphere. Slow and fast carbon cycles operate to recycle carbon continuously and balance carbon content in these different carbon reservoirs. This involves biochemical reactions, photosynthesis, and volcanic eruptions.

We do not want all carbon to concentrate in the atmosphere or the oceans. Fortunately, the natural cycles take care of the carbon and work out a balance for us, keeping the Earth’s temperature at a comfortable level. It is a complex and amazing system and it regulates the climate on Earth.

Human activity is changing the pace of these natural cycles and disturbing the natural balance. Nature is trying to cope but it is stressful. What does this rapid transformation mean for the atmosphere, vegetation, and the oceans? Do we know how to restore balance in carbon cycles and…



Semida Silveira
Climate Conscious

Prof. at Cornell Univ. Founder of Sustainable Vision. Writing about sustainable development and societal transformation. https://ssemida.medium.com/membership