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There is no Planet B

Abhishek Bhowmick
Climate Crisis
Published in
1 min readJan 9, 2020


The climate crisis is here. At first, it knocked at our doors. But now, it has kicked it down. We will be the last generation that can effectively avert the climate crisis. You and I have a critical role to play.

The Climate Crisis publication is your go-to guide for the global climate crisis, to raise awareness, get involved, and make an impact.

We divided the publication into Learn and Act sections. The Learn section provides insightful, scientific and unbiased articles that are meant to raise awareness about climate change and sustainable energy. The Act section is geared towards empowering the readers with various tools and actionable steps to effect meaningful change in the looming climate crisis.

It’s a collective endeavor, it’s collective accountability and it may not be too late. — Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, IMF.

