Welcome to Climate Action Ideas
I have been on an individual journey with climate change — first it was a rough idea about a future to come, then there was optimism that everything will be all right and if not nature itself, humanity will find a solution to balance things out. After all it has happend like that in the past and a bit warmer weather in Berlin is not that bad. Then came a phase where I realized that the political and social systems are incapable of facing that problem, that we are doomed and that the only choice I have is to enjoy life as long as I can and prepare for rougher times.
But it’s not possible for me anymore to turn away from the responsibility that I and we as humanity have. I owe that to my kids, to all the great gifts of nature that I was able to witness and to all the generations that have brought civilization to that point — we have to take action now. Why? I recommend you reading this: An open letter to those who haven’t faced climate change
How? Well that is interesting. I think there is a lot of things that individuals can do already, but the awareness is to slowly building up and our social systems are not rewarding enough yet to support us in that huge challenge. Therefore I believe that we have to find new ideas to smartly tackle the problem, and I want this publication to spark a few.
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About: I am Andreas Richter, father of two, living in Berlin. And I am happy for other writers to join the effort, the first beeing Alexander Korte.