ICCDI Africa Joins GNDR Nigeria To Build Community Resilience through Participation & Collaboration

The Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) Nigeria held its 2nd National Coordination meeting in Asaba, Delta State with the theme “Building Resilience and Strategies for Implementing the New GNDR Strategic Plan in Nigeria.

GNDR Nigeria at the 2nd National Coordination meeting in Asaba, Delta state

The meeting brought together Delegates and Civil Society Leaders from the 6 geopolitical regions to look at the GNDR strategy 2020–2025 and design programs and activities and agree on concrete actions that will increase the coordination and collaboration among GNDR, its members, and relevant stakeholders in Nigeria.

The outcome of the NCM is intended to inform the way forward for GNDR at the National, state, and local levels.

The National Coordination Meeting was organized by Noble Delta Women for Peace and Development Int’l with funding from GNDR.

GNDR is the largest international network of organizations committed to working together to improve the lives of people affected by disasters worldwide

During the NCM, Members of the Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) Nigeria paid advocacy visit to the functioning Permanent Secretary and Head of Delta State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA). The purpose of the advocacy visit is to ensure coordination and collaboration in the work on disaster risk reduction and build strong partnerships and integration into its activities and programs.

GNDR Nigeria Paid Advocacy visit to the functioning Permanent Secretary and Head of Delta State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA)

GNDR is the largest international network of organizations committed to working together to improve the lives of people affected by disasters worldwide.



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