ICCDI Joins NCJA’s Founding Members

The International Climate Change Development Initiative is proud to announce its membership as one of the founding members of the Nigeria Climate Justice Alliance (NCJA), a crucial step towards promoting environmental justice and combating climate change. NCJA is a powerful alliance of passionate civil society organisations (CSOs) dedicated to combating climate change and promoting environmental justice. These CSOs have a commendable history of taking action to address climate issues throughout the nation, demonstrating their ability to make a significant impact on the urgent challenges we face. The Nigeria Climate Justice Alliance was joyfully inaugurated in Abuja during a two-day workshop organised with great care for the founding member organisations, who are deeply committed to the well-being of our precious environment. The primary goal of NCJA is to empower environmental advocates to oversee, evaluate, and assist local and national governments in implementing and fulfilling climate initiatives and strategies.

The Alliance will empower passionate environmentalists to lead community-driven climate and nature-based solution projects across the country. It will also establish a strong voice on environmental justice, bringing together CSOs to chart a pathway for environmental justice, coordinate CSO’s engagements for COP such as pre-COP meetings, and coordinate at COP and post-COP meetings.

Our esteemed Executive Director, Olumide Idowu, was honoured to represent our organisation at the inaugural gathering of founding members. The eco-friendly workshop took place at the sustainable Bolton White Hotels and Apartments in Abuja, from the 25th to the 26th of July 2023. The event was organised by the Nigeria Conservation Foundation (NCF) to promote environmental conservation and sustainability, with generous support from the Ford Foundation, a renowned champion of environmental causes.



International Climate Change Development Initiative Africa

ICCDI Africa Seeks to Build a Climate Smart Generation Across Africa. #Environment | #Health | #Education | #SDGs #GlobalGoals #LetsDoMore