What is hypertext markup language (HTML)?

Stuart Maitland
Clinical Developers
2 min readMay 21, 2017

Simply put HTML is what made the internet! (at the beginning anyway). It is the language computers use to display content on web browsers. I could spend ages explaining details but it’s much better if I just demonstrate it. So before I go any further let me show you with an example (I’m afraid this will only work with PC users). I borrowed this excellent code from Quackit.combut it explains the point nicely in a way that any user can quickly access and once you have done it (if you are a coding virgin) in the space of 10 seconds you will have pasted and enacted your own code using only the simplest commands and tools.

  1. Open notepad on your computer (even if you are at work this should work well.)
  2. Copy and paste the below into notepad.
  3. Finally, save the file anywhere as form.html and open it in your broswer (internet explorer, firefox, chrome etc) of choice:

Taken from: http://www.quackit.com/html/html_editors/scratchpad/?example=/html/examples/form_labels_aligned_top

Copy from the following fiddle:


This is just a small example to get you started. What you can see is that HTML adds CONTENT to a browser that’s all it does. This is why it is not actually a programming language but rather a ‘markup language’.

I basically consists of lots of tags in a ‘sandwich’ that tell the browser what to display. In order to make it look nice another language called CSS or cascading style sheets is required.

If you want to learn HTML/CSS I suggest you go to codeacademy and start doing their HTML online course — it’s free! This is a great place to start. Even though they are not actually programming languages they will get you to start understanding easy to read code.



Stuart Maitland
Clinical Developers

Junior doctor, neuroscience PhD, data analysis. Newcastle, UK.