Joining the League of Extraordinary CROs: It’s Not Just for the Big Guys Anymore

Boris (Bruce) Kriger
2 min readApr 14, 2024

So you’ve decided to start your own Clinical Research Organization (CRO). Welcome to the club! It’s a glamorous world where the coffee is always brewing, the data never sleeps, and yes, every giant in the industry once stood exactly where you are — probably more bewildered than you are, if you can believe it.

Remember, every CRO titan once started as a scribble in someone’s notebook. They had to navigate the same regulatory mazes and client conundrums as you will. It’s endearing, really, how these industry behemoths like to strut around at conferences, flaunting acronyms and success stories. But let’s not forget, they too had days when their biggest decision was whether to spring for two-ply toilet paper.

Wading through regulations is a rite of passage. Think of it as deciphering an ancient language where every correct translation could prevent a potential apocalypse — or at least a very strongly worded letter from the FDA. Getting a grip on regulations like GCP, FDA, or EMA guidelines isn’t just bureaucratic hoop-jumping; it’s your initiation into the league of “We Actually Know What We’re Doing.”

Now, about building your team. You’re not just hiring employees; you’re gathering a group of daredevils who are as excited as you are about proving themselves to the old guard. Each researcher, statistician, and project manager won’t just be your staff — they’ll be part of your modern-day guild, ready to challenge the status quo with every study and spreadsheet.

Client acquisition? It’s less ‘cold calling’ and more ‘speed dating.’ Each interaction is your chance to flirt with potential, dazzle with past successes, and maybe, just maybe, find the one who will believe in your scrappy startup. It’s your opportunity to show the big players that you’re not just here to play the game — you’re here to change it.

So gear up, future CRO mogul. You’re about to embark on a quest filled with trials, triumphs, and the occasional misstep (which you’ll call ‘learning experiences’ at industry cocktail parties). Launching your CRO isn’t just about entering the market; it’s about redefining it. It’s your turn to show that innovation isn’t patented by those who got there first, and that fresh perspectives are just as crucial as seasoned ones.

You’re not here to tread lightly. You’re here to make waves and maybe, just a little bit, to enjoy the look on the faces of those industry giants when they realize a new player has joined the game and is playing for keeps.



Boris (Bruce) Kriger

Prolific writer, philosopher, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. Founder and director of a number of companies.