6 Tips for a Strong, Successful NP or PA Job Interview

ClinicianToday.com Editor
1 min readNov 14, 2016


Interviewing for a job, whether it’s your first or your fifth, can be nerve-wracking. Although the internet is full of interview tips, most lists are generic and don’t target NPs and PAs.

That changes today. Morgan Falgoust, ORMCP, is a talent acquisition sourcing specialist for Ochsner Health System. Here are her top six tips to help you deliver a strong performance that makes an impression on your interviewer:

1. Research the Company

This may seem obvious, but Falgoust often hears candidates say, “I don’t know anything about Ochsner. I just applied for the job.”

“That answer sets the tone for the way we get into the interview,” she explains. “It doesn’t change the questions I ask, but it changes the way I communicate with the candidate in terms of details about certain locations or variations within the system.”

Take the time to check out the hospital, clinic, or facility’s website and read any news articles you can find about it. This shows the employer that you’re committed.

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