How to Win: 3 Lessons From the Chicago Cubs’ Sports Nutritionist Editor
2 min readNov 9, 2016


I’ve been hanging out with some winners, aka the Chicago Cubs World Series Champs. I’ve been the team sports nutritionist for seven seasons, but by far learned the most this season.

Here are my top three winning lessons:

1. Do Simple Better

Success is in getting the foundation right.

2. Have Fun

It’s not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Keeps you creative, recharged, high vibe.

3. Nobody Said It’d Be Easy

Want something extraordinary, it takes extraordinary effort. Don’t be afraid when things get tough — expect it and keep chipping away.

BONUS: Get Clear About What You Want

Even though this was my seventh season with the Cubs, I wasn’t feeling like an important part of the team. I asked a friend who has a similar job (thanks, Mitzi) for her wisdom. She suggested:

Figure out what you want and don’t wait around for an invitation.

Well, I wanted to feel more a part of the team.

So I decided to clear my schedule and prioritize this above all else. I put on my big girl pants and, without an invitation, I started flying to away games and giving more at home games. Many situations felt new and awkward, and I had self-doubt, but I kept showing up and doing anything fun I could think of to support the nutrition and wellness of the players and staff.

I started feeling more a part of the team. In fact, I ended up being a part of the World Series champagne shower celebration in the clubhouse and was in the parade. Exactly what I wanted.

Get clear about what you want … prioritize that in your schedule … put in the work … expect awkward feelings/self-doubt/screw-ups … but keep showing up for what you want. Powerful.

This article originally appeared in Dawn Jackson Blatner’s weekly newsletter, Nutrition WOW, and on her blog. Sign up for updates on her website.

