Top 10 Challenges Healthcare Leaders/Startups Face Today

ClinicSpots Stories
4 min readNov 4, 2019

India’s healthcare market may see a threefold jump in value terms to reach $ 372 billion by 2022.

We’ve identified ten challenges that all healthcare leaders/start-ups are facing all over the world.

ClinicSpots, being a healthcare portal face some challenges which can’t be evaded without research, motive, and innovation while aiming to bridge the gap and satisfy the patient’s expectation.

Here goes the list:

  1. Political Challenges.

Healthcare is one of the dominant political issues in most of the countries in which we currently work. Niche industry like Healthcare is impacted greatly by government, public sectors, and many political issues as they directly impact the lives of people. To combat these challenges, healthcare leaders need to actively engage in awareness and information sharing regularly.

2. Financial Challenges

The economics of healthcare is tough. Being a healthcare leader, we aim to provide healthcare facilities to as many patients as possible. But, not everyone can afford or have access to quality healthcare. The challenge here is to provide care and treatments at an affordable price.

3. Population Issues

Population shifts and societal changes are magnifying pressures on the healthcare sector and it demands new directions in the conveyance of healthcare. The aging populations in both arising and developed nations are driving up the demand for healthcare and that in turn causes the fourth of our challenges which is changing Epidemiology.

4. Changing Epidemiology

Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events (including disease) and the application of this study to the control of diseases and other health problems.

Changing Epidemiology refers to the dynamic changes in the branch of medicine which deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health.

5. Customer Expectations.

Customer Expectations are changing. You can get your medicines at your doorsteps today, you can see your reports online. People expect innovations in healthcare. The technology is patching the gap between customers and healthcare as much as possible. Healthcare is an industry where the more the service is faster with fewer gaps, the more it is reliable for patients.

6. New Technologies

New Technologies and their impact on healthcare in a range of ways. Today with the help of technology, we can have the application of organized knowledge and skills in the form of devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures, and systems developed to solve a health problem and improve quality of life. The future of healthcare will stand tall on three pillars: a digital approach, artificial intelligence, and a patient-oriented culture. New wonders through technologies will be at the reason for this transformation, helping to reduce costs and uncover new economies of scales for greater efficiency and better patient care. Beyond that, technology can also distort today’s systems and fundamentally change healthcare delivery through personalized medicine and secure care.

7. Patient Experience

Aside from care quality, access to convenient care is one of the priorities which tops for patient care decisions. Since not all health issues are known or predictable, the patients want to be able to access their healthcare when they want and need it on priority.

8. The rise in Healthcare Cost

As more people aspire to live a longer, healthier and active lifestyles, healthcare concerns increase and so does the costs for it. Healthcare costs and spending often rise at rates exceeding and is expected to increase in the future.

9. Ethical Challenges

In the industry like healthcare, it is a big deal. Leaders must understand the success of any Healthcare organization. It heavily relies on their ethical behavior. Being ethical helps in building trust in the industry like healthcare where the entire services work on being reliable, trustworthy and responsible.

10. Professional Development

Healthcare leaders must aim to overcome this challenge by developing fine-tune key personal and professional skills to remain proficient. Professional Development is the key. The future will require healthcare leaders to take more of a hands-off approach; involve patients more in personal care; provide alternatives to current practice.

Here’s the twist, the real difficulty is the fact that we do not face any of these challenges individually rather we face them all together in a convergence every day in healthcare and so we can’t pick them off individually.

We as leaders must build a collaborative, engaging environment whereby everyone is involved in the process of developing strategies to help overcome the challenges as they arise.

Decisions made by healthcare leaders/start-ups not only focuses on ensuring that the patient receives the most appropriate, timely, and effective services possible, but also address the achievement of desired performance targets.

