Recent news — April 2012

Joel Friedlaender
Cliniko blog
Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2012

First I need to apologise. We have done a poor job of keeping our blog up to date. It’s not that we haven’t been communicating, we are very active on facebook and twitter and also sending out regular newsletters to our customers. We have fallen short on the blog though. To get things started, here is the last newsletter we sent out in March.

To start things off, I would like to officially welcome Bartosz Pochodaj to our team at Cliniko. Bartosz is a very talented software developer and joined us just a few weeks ago. Bartosz’s sole responsibility is to improve and enhance Cliniko. He has already developed numerous improvements that we have released recently and there are a lot more to come shortly. I am sure you will find Cliniko evolving even quicker now that Bartosz is onboard.

As many of you already know, we are fairly new at Cliniko, it has been just 8 months since our official launch. We have been very fortunate to have received great support from our customers and the industries we operate in. In the last 2 months alone we have grown as much as we did in the first 6 months. We really appreciate your support and would like to share some of our numbers with you:

We currently have customers in 9 countries around the world and growing every month.

Over 150,000 appointments have been managed by Cliniko

Our customers have invoiced over 6.3 million dollars through Cliniko

We have sent almost 20,000 SMS reminders to patients

We are very excited by where Cliniko is headed and have some big plans for improving it further. The two biggest changes to come out shortly will be the ability for patients to book themselves in online (don’t worry, you don’t have to turn it on if you don’t wish to use it) and the ability to cater to businesses with multiple sites. These two items are already well underway and will be released shortly. After these, the best indication I can give you is to look at our feature requests and voting forum. We love to get feedback from you, and use this as a guide for our development path.

Also, if you want to find out about the newest features as we release them, please “like” us on facebook or follow us on twitter. They are the easiest avenues to stay up to date… the links are to the right.

Now on to the fun stuff, below is a summary of the most notable improvements we have made since our last email update.


Joel Friedlaender


Phone and Tablet apps can be used by admin users too (06-Dec-2011)

Previously only practitioners could use the mobile apps, now anyone can (well anyone that is a user in your Cliniko account). Permissions are still applied like normal, so not everyone sees the treatment notes.

New receipt for multi-invoice payments (12-Dec-2011)

We now have a receipt for payments that you can print or save as PDF. Previously all receipting was done via the invoice, but this will help for payments that are for multiple invoices.

New report “Patients without upcoming appointments” (28-Jan-2012)

We have added a new report that shows all patients with no upcoming appointments. This can be a great way to follow up patients that are not booked in at all for any future appointment.

We dropped the price of our “Large” plan from $345 to $295 p/month (15-Feb-2012)

We felt that is was too big a jump frmo the plan below and not in line with our other plans prices, so we reduced the price of our Large plan frmo $345 to $295 p/month. This change was applied immediately to all our customers on the “Large” plan and obviously affects anyone new signing up.

Export individual treatment notes to PDF (28-Feb-2012)

You can now export individual treatment notes to PDF. This can be very handy if you need to provide the patient or perhaps another healthcare practitioner with information about your treatment.

You can now prevent practitioners viewing each others treatment notes (28-Feb-2012)

We have added an option into the settings area that allows you to prevent practitioners from viewing each others treatment notes. This is completely optional but will be a big help for some clinics that require this.

Easy reordering of your treatment note template questions and sections (06-Mar-2012)

You can now drag and drop to reorder the questions and sections in your treatment note templates. This will make it much easier if you have any changes you wish to make.

I won’t let it be so long before our next blog post again!


Cliniko is amazing practice management software for healthcare businesses. Visit to see for yourself.

