ClinTex Partners with ChainLink

Oracle Service to Provide Crucial Link from Off-Chain to On-Chain Data

Clintex CTi
2 min readJul 17, 2018


Most of the powerful features in the array of linked ClinTex Clinical Trials Intelligence (CTi) applications are enabled by data that is self-contained in the CTi blockchain network.

The Predictive Data Analytics Application, for example, combines information that has been migrated into the platform such as bloodwork, disease status, medication and adverse drug reactions to predict outcomes such as which patients are likely to have to withdraw from a trial. The Risk Based Monitoring Application may then recommend specific intervention to prevent the withdrawal of a particular patient, potentially saving the trial from complete failure.

However, some features of ClinTex CTi require the integration of data from pharmaceutical source systems that are external to the CTi blockchain network. For example, clinical electronic case report forms are not directly available to the CTi platform — but the information contained in those case report forms is required to calculate the correct payments that should be made to investigators and vendors in reward for specific data completion and data quality targets. For example, an outsourced vendor providing electrocardiogram scans should be paid for the exact number of scans correctly administered.

The beauty of a blockchain network enhanced with smart contracts is that such an action can be executed automatically, saving all stakeholders time and money. However, a secure link to the external source — referred to in the space as an ‘oracle’ — must be obtained.

This is where ChainLink comes in. ChainLink is secure and auditable blockchain middleware that connects to the API of the electronic case report form database. The required information is then automatically migrated into the ClinTex CTi Vendor Management Application and the appropriate payment to the vendor is triggered. The efficiency of this system will far exceed the status quo, which requires that data be checked manually before payments are sent out. It also improves upon the current model by making it completely transparent to all stakeholders (not to mention — thanks to the fact that cryptographic tokens are the unit of transfer — transactions are instant and practically fee free).

ClinTex’ partnership with ChainLink is important because it frees our developers to focus on the core CTi applications without having to concern themselves with the technicalities and security risks of connecting to external systems. ChainLink specifically was chosen because of its proven track record of building trusted and secure oracles for other major decentralized applications.

Our partnership with ChainLink allows each team to focus on what they do best. ChainLink has a proven record of execution with trusted oracle services, while our team at ClinTex has expertise in solving the pain-points in clinical trials through the use of advanced clinical trial data management.



Clintex CTi

Clinical Trials Intelligence is a data management software solution for the clinical trials industry that leverages distributed ledger technology