It Would Be Much Better If People Weren’t Bullies

People should think before they talk and care before assume.

Stories of a Sunflower
zClippings Autumn 2017
6 min readNov 22, 2017


Bullying has always been a big problem for humanity. People being bad for no reason, people assuming situations and just keeping on talking about what they do not know for sure.

Where I come from, Romania, people judge and they do it a lot. It happens on a daily basis. You wake up, have breakfast, open the door, leave the house, go on the street and start talking about the woman that has a little hole in her coat or the man that has really old shoes that “look disgusting”. Even if you wear makeup, you’re still a good choice to talk about because there everybody judges. When I first came in England, I was surprised to find a different way of living. Going on the streets without really caring about the fact that my shoes don’t match my t-shirt because no one else would care either, was almost heaven.

What I was surprised to find out later was that people would get bullied in school. I met new people, cool people and when I found out they were bullied when they were younger, it was difficult for me to believe. So this is the first thing I want to talk about.


If I am honest, bullying is a bigger concern here in England than it was at home. Back home people would judge the way you dress or look, but would not go there to the point where they would beat you or make you kill yourself. Not long ago, I read a book called “Paper Butterflies” and it was about a girl that was bullied at school, beside other things. And I was also talking to people I know that grew up here that they bullies would go to the point where they would actually provoke you to kill yourself and that’s just too much. Pupils in Romania, judge you, maybe something laugh at you, but that’s where it stops. And if it doesn’t stop, the Head of the School makes you to stop. That’s how things work there. When I was in middle school, people rarely would bully someone and I was never bullied, even if I was antisocial and I still am and I find it really difficult to talk to people I don’t know for a long time.

Everybody is concerned about bullying still. People try to stop it, but apparently it is quite difficult to make people stop judging. According to a study by Yale University, bullied victims are 7 to 9% more likely to consider suicide. Half of the suicides among youth were related to bullying, present the studies in Britain. Another study by ABC News, declares that over 30,000 children stay home every day due to the fear of being bullied.

Also, in 2014, The National Center for Educational Statistics reported that 1 of 3 students reported being bullied during the school year. In the National Crime Victimization Survey of 2014 about 18.5 per cent reported incidents of bullying twice a month, and 7.8 per cent confessed they were bullied daily. The Urban Institute’s study on bullying showed 17% of students reported being victims of cyberbullying, 41% victims of physical bullying and 15% experienced other types of bullying, which takes me to my next point.


This is just another type of bullying which I find really popular back in Romania. I could attach hundreds of screenshots where I could show how normal people just go and judge or offend celebrities of vloggers that at quite popular in the country. I am not going to do that because obviously the comments would be in Romanian and people would not be able to translate and understand immediately, but in order to prove my point I am going to attach two screenshots of comments at Selena’s Gomez new picture on Instagram.

The picture on Selena’s Instagram account

And here is my point. She is Selena Gomez, she has millions of fans, everybody (or not really everybody) loves her and she still gets cyberbullied. I was watching today an InstaStory of one Romanian vlogger and she was talking about the same problem; how she receives hundreds of ugly messages meant to hurt or offend her and I am just thinking: Why? Why would someone talk bad things about a celebrity? Could it be jealousy?

I know plenty of celebrities and TV stars that block people. The girl I am talking about, her name is Laura Giurcanu, she won Next Top Model in Romania some years ago and at the moment she is a vlogger and a blogger (just if someone wants to know who was I talking about). This girl earns money out of being a vlogger and being someone; being an example. She has hundreds of people that were disrespectful to her and she blocked them. People are mean and they say things without thinking and Laura is not the only celebrity that has to face this kind of problems.

Everybody knows what people say and think about Taylor Swift. I, to be honest, love her. I loved her since she was in a relationship with Joe Jonas from the American pop rock band, Jonas Brothers. I always considered her a nice and really good looking person, but seems like it’s just me that still likes her. Lately, people tend to judge her and talk about all her boyfriends, as she says in one of her songs “I go on too many dates, but I can’t make them stay”. She knows what people say about her; that she’s crazy and has problems with men. In the first place, I wanted to pick some comments from her pictures because she was a good example of cyberbullying as everyone hates her, but I realised she doesn’t have any comments on her pictures and that’s because she chose in the Settings to do not receive any comments. That’s mostly the same as Laura did, blocking people or blocking people from commenting is still a way of making a point.

In the end I am going to explain why people bully or cyberbully. It is all about being judgemental. They judge the way we look, the way we dress, the way the talk, eat or sleep. They judge everything. They are there all the time to say something about what we might have done. There are so many videos on the Internet showing how people judge someone only from the way they dress. Some time ago, I found this video of a little girl being dressed up at first as a normal person and then as a homeless. When she was wearing nice clothes, people would care and help her, but when she was a homeless they would treat her bad or totally ignore her and I think that shows the human being in its own true shape. Everything is about the looks, nothing about the soul. As this is the end of the article, I am going to attach the video from YouTube in case anyone wants to see how most of the people really are and how they really behave when “no one is watching”, because when someone is, they are nice and want to help every single homeless person in the world. It is all about looks and it’s going to be for a while and until people are going to start looking deep down, bullying and cyberbullying will never stop. Enjoy the video!

