Prince Kisses Dead Girl, Everyone Celebrates

Fake news at its finest.

Leah Hockley
zClippings Autumn 2017
2 min readNov 16, 2017


©Walt Disney Studios

Yesterday, just days before his eighteenth birthday, everyone’s favourite Prince did something that in any other circumstance would have been seen as horrific and borderline certifiable.

On Monday morning, Prince Ferdinand was seen kissing the missing 14 year-old princess who had been feared dead for the past few weeks. Suspicions of her death were confirmed when some of the local inhabitants came across her dead body in the middle of the local woods, displayed almost ritualistically in a clear glass coffin somewhere towards the middle of the forest. The witnesses were scared off by the sound of people talking, but hid themselves well enough to see the arrival of seven small men and the Prince. It was there and then that they saw the small men surround the coffin and watch on as the Prince walked up to the girl’s lifeless body and planted a brief kiss on her lips.

However, the Prince’s behaviour was actually part of a much larger, and considerably more beneficial, plan. On the very same day, thanks to the corageous and protective nature of the dwarves, the Evil Queen saw an early demise, and her reign of terror has been brought to an abrupt ending. After years of living in terror, our kingdom will soon be restored to its original, thriving state. Despite his unusual display of affection (I mean, kiss em’ whilst they’re living, pal), our Prince ended up becoming the hero this kingdom needed. Princess Snow has been restored to her rightful place as ruler of the land, and, if it had not been for the dear Prince breaking the curse, we would not be in such a fortunate position.

Barely a day later, the kingdom is already rejoicing. Festivities are running throughout all of the towns, and the Princess and Prince have opened the castle to anyone who wishes to come and join in with the royal celebrations. The mood has already lifted and everyone is in high spirits, with the future looking much brighter. This may have all been triggered by a particularly outlandish event, but everyone will hopefully be much better off because of it.

With thanks to Rebekah Ashleigh.



Leah Hockley
zClippings Autumn 2017

the musings of someone who doesn’t really know what she’s going on about