This is Me

Rhiann Grant
zClippings Autumn 2017
4 min readOct 4, 2017
© Rhiann Grant 2017

As a nineteen year old, looking back on my life seems pretty easy. However as I sit here writing this piece I find it hard to think of anything interesting. So far I have lived a normal life with a few ups and downs in between. I have a Mum and Dad that support me as best as they can and a brother I occasionally see when we are both free. I have never really had a thought about what I wanted to be when I was older I just knew I had a love for writing and I knew that I wanted to do this all the while attending University.

Before coming to University I never really felt like I had decided who I was yet. I was always the girl that went along with others in fear of what they might say. I had a handful of friends that I truly trusted and wanted to spend my time with. Nothing really changed while in my first few months at Uni as I was too homesick to make an effort with trying to make friends and doing other activities outside of my lectures. Every weekend I would go back home to be with my family as I only lived in Margate and then would travel back to my accommodation late Sunday night. It wasn't until after Christmas where I truly felt comfortable and happy with where I was. I had become great friends with my house mates, spending most of my time with them and going on nights out with them and also with the people on my courses. Coming into second year I have felt so much more comfortable with what is going on around me and the people I am with.

With regards to my friends at home I lost contact with most of them due to not being able to see them at times and going in different directions. I don’t view this as a sad thing to happen as I know it’s normal and I know they are always there if I needed them. However, the friends that I have made so far in Uni have helped me in more ways then I can say in regards to who I am now and the choices I have made along the way. Without them I know I wouldn’t have had the same experiences that I have been through so far along my journey and I can’t wait to make more memories with them.

I have faced my fair share of struggles while growing up as well. I have a skin condition called Eczema. To some that wouldn’t seem like a big thing but to me it meant everything. I was so scared to go out in normal t-shirts or skirts or shorts in fear of what others would say to me. During school when changing for P.E I used to hide behind my friends or ask one of them to cover me with their shirt so no one would see. During the summer I refused to leave my house in anything but long sleeved shirts and jeans. Which always resulted in me getting heat stroke or feeling too sick to be outside any longer. Countless trips to see the Doctor were needed in my childhood to help get some control over it. In year three of my primary school days I unfortunately got Impetigo which resulted in me having six weeks off of school which any kid would love but they still sent my homework to me. Having a skin condition like this knocked my confidence back to a point that I hated how I looked. It hasn’t been until recently that I have gained control over it and you wouldn’t even know that I had it. Now I feel so much more comfortable within myself and I can leave the house in tank tops and not worry about who is looking at me. Of course at times I still get a little self conscious but who doesn’t.

Having this condition has taught me a lot in life. That no matter what the most important thing for myself to remember is that I need to learn to be more comfortable within myself.

Being able to be comfortable and having great friends around me has helped me become the person I am today. I’m independent, loyal and kind. But I am still learning more about myself as each day comes and I even surprise myself with the stuff I have learned. Sometime in the future I’ll know what it is I want to do with my life and my career, but until then I’ll have fun and learn along the way. So this is me, Rhiann Grant but who knows, maybe tomorrow I’ll be someone else.

