How to sell your book

Newsletters for Email, Blog or Social Media

Soo Cooper
Clippings Autumn 2018
2 min readNov 19, 2018


Your book has sold and you have an email database of customers, or maybe you have a fan-base on social media of people who are interested in your work, so stay in touch and nurture that personal relationship.

This will help your fan-base trust your credibility and commitment, whilst building a brand awareness of who you are and what you have to offer. Social media is important here, but a marketing email sent specifically to your followers is personal and bespoke.

If you are lucky enough to have large database of followers you may wish to use an automation platform and email marketing service like Mailchimp(1).

Keep the content current… don’t go over old ground, and they probably won’t want to hear about your pimples and problems.

A Newsletter or email might include a book launch, a link to your blog about an interesting article or something of value that you are offering exclusively to them… perhaps a short story or a discount?

A few things have learnt along the way:

Sites that say Free Logo are usually free… to design only. After you have fallen in love with your logo, it takes you to straight the payment page! I wasted an hour doing this. You can make one using sites such as Pixabay, whose images are free for commercial use and no attribution is required (2). I made my logo in Microsoft Publisher (3) and designed the Newsletters with a template from Publisher. I am new to visual design but managed to navigate my way around.

When I sell my first few books I might buy that snazzy logo!

So, let’s get those newsletters going.

I have designed three: an introduction, a launch, and a post-launch. These are examples for my second book: which is in the process of being created.

1. Introduction:

2. Launch:

3. Post-Launch:

I Hope this has given you some ideas. Have Fun. Happy Writing……Soo.


