Ella Shields
Clippings Autumn 2018
4 min readNov 6, 2018


Sex Sells

Victoria’s Secret advertisement.


Sex seems to be the main basis of advertising, and you can’t watch, read or look anywhere without seeing an advert, therefore, everyday we are witnessing sex in some way shape or form. According to the researcher Tom Reichert, “Sex sells because it attracts attention. People are hard-wired to notice sexually relevant information, so ads with sexual content get noticed.” For half the population, when looking scientifically, sex can even be more important to us than food. Just over a third of adults would rather have great sex than a great meal. It comes naturally to us, we seek it out, it’s in our blood. With that in mind, why wouldn’t advertisers use sex as a way of selling their product? It’s something we obviously all notice.

To me, when watching television, the adverts that stick out as being the most common sensual/sexual ones are those selling perfumes and fragrances. With practically naked actors to promote this product, you can easily say that sex is selling the scent. From Chanel to Hugo Boss there is guaranteed to be something sexy going on; whether it’s implied that two lovers have just had sex or whether it’s Kiera Knightly prancing around in a skin tight, body suite riding a motorcycle — they are always based around sex. A main part of advertising this way is the “Buy this, get this” concept. We are sucked into thinking that if we wear this perfume than we will become like those actors in the advert; we will look like Kiera Knightly and we will fall in love with Chris Pine. So, by creating a sensual scene between to beautifully gorgeous looking people, we will desire to be them and therefore buy the product. Simple. Sex does sell.

Moving away from the TV advertising world and now onto the likes of social media — more specifically, Instagram. There are now people called ‘Instagram models’ — people are able to create a fan base on social media by posing in front of a camera. Celebrities do it and normal people do it, it’s an easy way to show off your attributes and build up your self-esteem by gaining likes and followers and ultimately earn money. It seems to be that the less clothes you have on, man or woman, the more likes you will get. Therefore, sexualising yourself will create popularity for you online. The Kardashians are a BIG example of this. The better, more revealing, picture they post on Instagram, the more publicity they will get and the more money they will make. Now, with over 100 million followers, their Instagrams are becoming more and more sexual, they may as well be naked (you can basically see Kylie Jenner’s vagina!) That would be okay if over 18 years old were the only audience that could view these images, but a great deal of their fan base are 15 and younger. What kind of message is this sending out to young boys and girls? Post a picture practically naked, and you are bound to get rich and popular! If you don’t have big boobs or a big bum than what’s the point of Instagram? Remember kids, sex sells — not pictures of your food.

As feminism grows, so does sexualising women. Music videos demonstrate this very well. Female celebrities are growing a stronger voice and empowering women! However, famous people seem to have become confused with being a role model and being a show off — more specifically showing off their bodies. It is rare to see a new music video without some sexual connotations and a half naked man or woman in it. I understand that some people in the showbiz industry are just trying to earn money, they might not necessarily have a say in how they act and what they wear, but there is no excuse for the extremely kinky and sexy music videos by the likes of Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj, Little Mix, Ariana Grande etc… the list is endless. With millions of fans, and young boys and girls looking up to them, they have chosen to do suggestive sexy videos to promote their music. Apart from them being shit songs, they are practically porn videos. These female artists are trying to change the image of women, making them independent, powerful, accepting yourself and the encouragement to speak out about inappropriate behaviour and sexual abuse. “My eyes are up here, not down there!” and YET they are, simultaneously, sexualising themselves, encouraging men to look at them and then get offended if they’ve looked at your breasts (which are on show) instead of looking into your eyes. Men too, in both of the music videos below the males are clotheless. Celebrities are creating and showing off the perfect look but also saying that we should accept our bodies whatever you may look like. You’re sending mixed messages! No wonder everyone's got depression, how is anyone meant to look like they do?

But as we know, they are just trying to make money. They would rather have billions of views on their music videos, than set the right and more appropriate example for their fans. Celebrities get naked — they get more views — they get more money. Our sexy society is messed up.

Yes, sex does sell. Yes, it is an effective way to promote whatever you are trying to sell. But focusing on the lips of someone eating a McDonald’s Burger and someone getting naked in a music video are two very different ideas of using sex to sell. I’d rather have a Big Mac than listen to another awful pop song!




