Why James Corden Doesn’t Deserve Fame

Laine Slater
Clippings Autumn 2018
3 min readNov 7, 2018

James Corden. We all remember him as the loud, lazy, obnoxious man child from Gavin and Stacey. And yes, Gavin and Stacey was a massive hit, one of the best British shows to come out of the late noughties in fact. And yes, Corden was the co-writer of the show, along with the lovely Ruth Jones. But with his break in America, and him seeming to be every film that’s come out in the last year, we should ask ourselves: Why?

What has propelled Corden into such a high reputation as an entertainer in America?

I for one can tell you that he is in no way as popular in Britain. In fact, after Gavin and Stacy ended, and after his *ahem* “sketch” show Horne and Corden ended… and after the scathing reviews of Lesbian Vampire Killers were released (I sincerely apologise for reminding you of that film) the British public had quite enough of James Corden, and pushed him off into the sea on a wooden raft, only for him to have washed up on the beaches of California and immediately given a talk show.

It’s clear that James Corden is the result of Americans thinking what he says is funny, when it’s in fact because his accent makes it sound funny. This is an easy mistake to make, but a mistake that Corden is fully invested in abusing until someone realises what’s happened.

Corden has had a good past few years worming his way into such “blockbusters” such as: Norm of the North, (3.1 on Rotten Tomatoes) Trolls, (5.8) and The Emoji Movie (a whopping 2.7).

And of course these quick fix children’s movies are easy to make and cash out big time to unsuspecting children and their parent’s money, with Corden in the middle of them all, raking in the candy.

Which brings us to the question: Does James Corden deserve his fame?

Unlike legendary actors such as Robert De Niro and Patrick Stewart who have done their slow climb to the top to then do a quick hop, skip and a jump off their perch and into the sell out pool, it seems that Corden has bypassed that entirely and started selling out before he even made anything noteworthy.

Of course there is the show Gavin and Stacey which is critically acclaimed for good reason, but with one half of the show being an almost exact representation of a typical Essex family anyway, and the character he wrote for himself being a bumbling misogynistic idiot that was dating a school girl through the first two series (that’s right look it up), you have to think, how much of this show was genuine writing talent coming from Corden?

I’m sure it’ll come as no surprise to anyone that The Late Late Show is not written by Corden, like most talk shows, but even the most famous segment of the show: Carpool Karaoke was even swiped from a bit Corden took part in for a Red Nose Day sketch years beforehand. It seems that The Late Late Show could be just as popular with any other overweight British man replacing the lead presenter.

Unfortunately it seems that the Corden train has no signs of stopping, we will have to continue to put up with his “witty ban-tar” until he is replaced with a younger, fresher presenter… that has a funny accent.

