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Who I Am; My Identity

Ellee Cooper
Clippings Autumn 2019
2 min readSep 28, 2019


Who am I? That’s a good question. A question that everyone will have a different answer to when they ask it — that’s for sure! Ask yourself: who am I? What’s your answer? Does it involve a hobby? Your ambitions? Your personality? Your background? Your interests?

Who am I? It’s a question, you could say, related to the word ‘identity’. The most dreaded word throughout school. The word that every student fears.

You have to admit, ‘identity’ is hard to define. Everyone has a different definition, a different opinion on what makes us who we are once we step away from the technical definition scientists have provided us with.

We all faced the same terror at school, hoping and praying the teacher wouldn’t pick on us to tell the rest of the class what ‘identity’ is. If they did, more often than not, we would be speechless.

Now, I’m not scared to admit that I never had a clue what the word means — on a deeper level. It’s a question I always shrugged off, believing I had more important things to do with my time than worry about who I am, what my identity is. I know who I am!

But who is that, exactly? I would say that I’m a writer. A reader. A learner. I have been reading for as long as I can remember, and I’ve been writing stories since I first learnt how to write. I love absorbing knowledge — about things I find interesting, of course — and actually don’t mind the research part when writing. It’s my love of reading and writing that had me attend university and take up a degree in Creative and Professional Writing. However, in some ways, this is fatal. I feel like I’m nothing if I can’t write. It’s my happy place, my haven for when I’m bored and when things get tough.

So, who am I? I’m a devoted writer who will one day be an editor in a publishing house and finally have a novel to be proud of. That’s my identity.

