A Small Dose of Me

Sebrena Hough
Clippings Autumn 2020
2 min readOct 9, 2020

On the brink of being on this planet for twenty years, I still struggle to describe myself in a positive light. Whilst struggling with motivation, self esteem and finding my place among others, I have a few interests which keep me distracted. Writing is one, believe it or not. I began writing when I was a child, scribbling down pointless stories with no direction or purpose. My primary school English teacher said I had a gift, and I still don’t know if she was telling the truth to this day. I’m never entirely sure what I am going to be pursuing in life as it is always changing, but I know writing is something I want to stick with.

I also enjoy and love looking after my two cats, allowing them to sleep on my bed all day whilst I’m at my computer, which takes up most of my days. Long journeys in the car allow me to think and be alone with my thoughts, sometimes accompanied by music to make me feel a certain way. Good food and good company has always made me feel better when I’m feeling low, yet I also value my alone time greatly. Playing video games alone and with friends is possibly my biggest passion, and if I could find a way to incorporate both together, I’d say that would be some kind of dream.

I’m here doing this course because I want and need to improve my writing; to hopefully make a living out of this ‘gift’. What I want to get out of this course is to become a better writer who is always improving, and to know exactly what my audience is after. I want to be able to find the motivation to be able to keep writing long after this course has finished. Whether it be screenplay or online blogs, I don’t think I have a dream job in mind. I guess if I had to say something, a dream would be to live comfortably through writing pretty much anything.

