My Novel Campaign Plan

Robert Harries
Clippings Autumn 2020
2 min readNov 18, 2020

This campaign is for the launch of a novel that I am currently writing. The title of the novel is Island Unmarked. The plot tells of a fighter pilot who is asked by a friend to find his daughter, who has gone missing on an island off the coast of Australia which many people say holds several secrets.

My primary goal from this campaign is to have my novel published within a year. My key objectives are to increase my credibility as an author and participate in interviews. The target audience is anybody aged 16 and over. I would like to get as many people interested in my book as possible, therefore I will employ social media (beginning with Facebook) in order to connect with key figures in the publishing industry and build relationships. In addition, I am hoping that my novel will generate varied reviews on sites like Amazon and Abebooks.

As a result of the ongoing pandemic, a public launch may not be the best method for premiering the novel. Should that still be the case, by the time it is ready, I will make the decision to debut my project virtually through various social media platforms, including Facebook and Instagram. I would contact media organisations like BBC and ITV as well as newspapers, including The Guardian and The Telegraph, with the hope of getting press coverage for the event and to ask about possible advertising and promotion for my book.

Being an up-and-coming writer in the present day, getting my book to debut will definitely be a challenge. Popular bestselling authors such as Stephen King, Lee Child, and Dan Brown often release one or more novels in a year. In big name bookshops like Waterstones and WHSmith, whenever these writers and others in their market release a new book, it is often seen in the display window or at the front of the store, in the ‘bestsellers’ section. Advertisements for their books often appear in newspapers and on billboards in public. While I don’t expect my novel to become “Number One Bestseller of the Year”, it would at least make me happy to see it among the bestsellers category.

Following the launch, I am hoping that the book will be a success. Based on how much popularity it should happen to receive, I would be looking to turn it into a series, with four more novels in mind, and the possibility of having them adapted for the screen.

