The Increasing Rate of Male Domestic Abuse Victims are Beginning to Rise

Isabelle Hudson
Clippings Autumn 2020
4 min readOct 13, 2020

As the years goes by more male domestic victims are coming forward about their wives or girlfriends attacking them.

However, a lot of men going through this fear blame. Which could lead to a lot of issues such as mental health problems and a stigma that they will never be believed. For it is a common stereotype that men are the sole causers of domestic abuse. So, when they do come forward about it, they are often blamed for the wrong doing of their partner. There is also barely any support for men who have suffered through domestic abuse.

A well-known case about this is one everyone has already heard. That is the domestic abuse of Johnny Depp. A famous actor known for his acting role in Pirates of The Caribbean and many others. It was first believed that Amber Heard was the one suffering from domestic abuse, and Johnny Depp suffered in his career because of this claim. Yet it was soon revealed through photos and a phone calls that Johnny Depp was indeed a victim as he claimed. One photo shows a piece of his finger missing which he claims Heard did to him, by severing it off. In the phone call one line stands clear and is said by Heard herself: “No one will believe you.” A line often said by abusers to discourage their victim. There are much more bone chilling things Heard says in that call which can now be heard on YouTube. Since it has been proven right, Heard never suffered any setbacks that Depp suffered with. While Depp and his children often suffered. Depp even said this on what his son went through: “My boy has to go to school and has kids go ‘so your f**king dad’s a wife beater?’” This was taken from a call the two shared, where Depp is a first saying his heart out and telling her it would be bad for her and him if they go to court.

“There is a belief that domestic abuse only happens to women and prevents men from coming forward.” Says Michael Dix-Williams, project manager of the compass programme at the University of South Wales. This programme supports men and helps to see them as the victims.

A fellow victim who came to that programme stated that: “’Apparently her friend had told her if you want to get rid of your husband start a fight, call the police and they’ll throw him out the house.’ So that’s what she did.” Which would be a shocking thing to know. Especially coming from a friend of a wife, to then have the wife go through with it. In this sentence though, it may not necessarily be clear as to whether the friend was joking or not. Nonetheless the wife went through with it.

Statistics show that 1.3 million women and 695,000 men in the last year were domestically abused. On the other hand, it is common for both women and men to not come forward about this, due to number of reasons. With the reasons varying from: fear of retaliation, lack of trust or confidence in police. With more underreporting in men. Once again due to the stigma that men cannot be victims of domestic abuse and are often the ones thrown in jail for their partner’s wrong doing. This stereotype that only women can be a victim to domestic abuse is dangerous. As it leads people to believe it, making it much harder for men who are victims of this form of abuse.

The reason for why this moulded lie is so strong is that men are inherently bigger than women, and that women are smaller. However, through the ages that mindset has led to men being the only abuser because they are stronger and bigger. Granted even men can be small and weak and woman can be big and strong. Many forget there are other ways to violently abuse someone. Like throwing glass bottles and pelting with pots and pans. These were done by Amber Heard herself, which she admitted to doing.

What else can be used as a weapon? Perhaps voice can. From the cases seen this is also a path taken by both women and men. The abusers will often belittle, blatantly lie, discourage and yell at their partner. Then they will go and pretend like nothing even happened. Giving a false hope to the victim. Quite a lot of times victims feel in love with their abuser simply because of the small amounts of love shown to them. Or they will stay because of kids. Believing that a happy life for kids requires two parents. Sometimes it is harder to escape due to other reasons. Men in these situations may suffer it worse. Once again due to the stigma that men cannot be victims of domestic abuse.

Therefore, men can often be silent victims of these acts.

