Who am I…

Charlie Steff
Clippings Autumn 2020
3 min readOct 7, 2020

My name is Charlie Steff, so here you are… if you have found yourself in this corner of the internet, I suppose you are as lost as me, or you are my mother.
Anyway, settle in for the roller coaster of your life. Unfiltered life sh**. And all that… juicy stuff.

My tale begins with my dream job as an entertainer not being all it was expected to be. After my life plan came crumbling down as many other peoples have before, my best friend brought me a shot of TEQUILA! Picture for attention: when life gives you lemons, get pissed.

We drank the night… or nights, away. And then I decided to get my life on track. I turned to the legendary works of Bo Burnham (trigger warning: sad stuff..)

..and I decided that when your life is a joke you have to have a sense of humour. As someone with a flare for the creative, along with a huge appreciation for all things beautiful and expressive, I turned to university. I joined a Creative and Professional Writing course.

Lost and confused I figured I could write my way out of my first world problems! Success is going to bed and waking up to do what you love, I love gin, and I love writing. So here I am, writing a blog under order orders from a woman who will without a doubt always earn more money than me, with a cheap gin in my hand.

This course, will of course, help me build a good career. So, when I figure out what that is, I’ll be sure to let you know! Who knows what they want to be when they grow up, right? Though I have always swayed towards shooting into outer space as an astronaut, I fear the rockets may be built too small for my donut loving tum. It’s not the 1950’s anymore, so my birthing hips alone will not get me a job… so here I am, working hard…

The whole of the course content funds my creative spirit, while the student loan I receive funds other aiding ‘spirits’. With these things, and the help of some fun-loving tutors, I hold onto hope that by the end of the course I will have built myself a goal I want to follow. If not, I’ll build myself a pub.

My dream job is just that, a dream, it’s a mostly unattainable thing that I forgot with five minutes of having… I suppose my dream job is one that makes me happy, and writing does that. The goal isn’t to achieve a dream job, it’s to do something that opens up more dreams in a maze of opportunity. Though some of the best dreams I’ve had have come after a bender. A dream is a wish your heart makes, and my heart wishes that somebody made it to the end of this blog.

With a butt full of love (since it is bigger than my heart…), my friends, I bid you adieu and wish to tell you, if I see you in a pub I will most certainly (not) be buying you a drink. I’m a student, and a sort of writer, cut me some slack! Or some lime for my gin…

Until next time, have one on me!

(That doesn’t include you Mum, did you remember to take your pills today…?)

