Ellie Clark
Clippings Autumn 2020
Oct 13, 2020

Who am I?

Such a simple question yet my mind still wonders. I could simply say, I am Ellie. But I am so much more than just ‘Ellie’. I am a daughter, sister, girlfriend, student and soon to be writer. My one desire is for my writing to not only be seen, but also heard – I want to make a difference. Which is why I am here, I suppose.

The world of creativity is a place I have never been able to escape, who would ever want to? It’s a completely different universe…

As a child, I loved to read, I still do now. Nothing beats a book worm! I think this comes from my preference of writing my thoughts and feelings as opposed to vocalising them. There is nothing wrong with that though; as individuals our preferences vary. That just happens to be who I am – a writer.

In the crazy, yet real world we live in due to COVID, writing has never meant so much to me. I took full advantage of being given permission to do absolutely nothing all day everyday. In fact, I wrote a blog a day, a few poems and a story here and there. The best thing was, I had no guilty conscience for simply writing as for once, I wasn’t procrastinating – no exams to study for, no chores to complete and no errands to be ran. I was free, free to write.

I hope that my university course – creative and professional writing – will enable me to get to where I need to be in my writing career. Because that is who I am, a writer.