The Truth is out there. Or is it?

A. M. Bentley
Clippings Autumn 2021
4 min readNov 8, 2021
Photo by Library of Congress on Unsplash

Donald John Trump, love him or hate him made history in 2017 when he became America’s 45th President. His outspoken views and ideals ruffled more than a few feathers and his name was never far from news headlines. However, for every one of his critics there seemed to be 10 supporters. His controversial views and outspoken nature divided America and the rest of the world. His handling and reaction to the Covid19 Pandemic furthered the division. With outrageous and bewildering outbursts in press conferences with the world's media and on Twitter. He was accused of being racist for branding Covid the Chinese flu and branded sexist for his at times unsavoury comments to women in the world's press. His supporters were ardent and at times chaotic. In a time where the world felt like it was a plot from an apocalyptic movie, Donald Trump’s presidency seemed to add fuel to the flames and draw out the crazy in people. So, how did Donald Trump get to be the 45th president of one of the most influential countries in the world? How did he get himself banned from every social media site, prompting him to design his own? And is the world really ready for Truth?

Donald John Trump was born June 14th 1946 to parents Fred Trump and Mary-Anne MacLeod. Donald’s father Fred started the family business with his mother Elizabeth Christ Trump in 1927. They started out in home construction, building single-family houses in Queens New York and then barracks for servicemen and their families. This proved a lucrative business, a business that Donald went on to inherit in 1971 and has since expanded into the company it is today, known as The Trump Organisation. Throughout his career, Donald Trump has courted the media and had high profile friends. His connections to alleged Pedophile Jeffery Epstein being one high profile friendship that bizarrely didn’t harm his career or his quest to become American President. It was public opinion at the time of the election rallies and the presidential race that it was all a publicity stunt on Donald Trumps behalf, many of his critics felt he would fail at the first hurdle. However, his campaign gained momentum and as time went on his supporters grew. It may have helped that he had dabbled in TV in the past with his show The Apprentice. He was seen as charismatic and despite his crass behaviour, people got behind his “Make America Great Again” slogan. He connected with the Bible belt of America and drew out all the right wing Republicans that had disliked Barack Obama and certainly was not happy with the possibility of Hillary Clinton becoming the first female in the White House as president rather than the first lady. Despite all the controversy that follows him Donald Trump has unwavering supporters even now. So much so they interpreted his advice during his Janruary 6th rally at the Ellipse bellow the white house as a call to arms and to storm the Capitol Buliding. He was always a prolific user of the social media platform Twitter and one of his many tweets that fateful day after he had left the rally contained the words:

“If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

The events that followed led to five people dying and many people being injured during the siege, including 138 police officers. The world watched on in utter disbelief, all because Donald Trump and his followers refused to believe he had lost the election fairly. Wether it was ego, narcicism or just delusions of grandure Donald Trump refused to go down with out a fight and bow out gracefully. His Twitter rants became more frequent and in return censored for spreading misinformation. Either about Covid19 or about his successor Joe Biden. Donald became very vocal in the press about being censord and having freedom of speech, his constitutional right. When Donald did not comply with the rules he was barred from Twitter and other social media platforms in the worry he would insite more violence. Thus prompting him to start his own social media platform named TRUTH. Donald Trump plans for TRUTH to be officially released early 2022. However, recently he did release a Beta version of TRUTH for research purposes and the Trolls were lurking on the shallows ready to dive into the swamp and muddy up the waters. Giving themselves usernames such as donaldjtrump or mikepence after realising they were names not already registered. Although their fun was short lived the whole debarcle did highlight teething issues surrounding the site which could be seen as rooky mistakes.

Do we need TRUTH though? Will it just be an outlet for Donald Trump to be as unfiltered or if not worse than he was before being banned from Twitter, Facebook and YouTube? A site where he holds all the power and can censor anyone that doesn't agree with his narrative. Donald Trump may not be hugely successful with every business venture and what he lacks in common sense he makes up with bravado. Although he is rich enough to buy his way through life, so who needs brains when you have a full wallet and a bank balance that reads like a telephone number. Having his own social media platform, could possibly end up drawing hate and discontent out of every pore of his cult like following and if this wasn't enough, his one of 500 companies, The Trump Organisation could also be about to launch a streaming site to rival disney. Donald Trump has the makings of a cartoon villain, he wants to take on Big Tec and there is a strong possibility unless someone with sense is on the other side and able to match him, wether the world is ready or not Donald Trump could very well be back and like a bad smell, hard to shift.

