Moving on…

Becca Adelaide
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2017

We come across many crossroads throughout our life. Some are minor and some are life changing. Some seem insignificant until later down the line and some take time to process. But one thing is inevitable, we all move on. Whether it’s finishing school, moving house, going to university, breaking up with your boyfriend, getting a new boyfriend, falling out with friends and making up again, trying to find a new job, trying to make something of yourself, it happens and will happen to everyone. Time will not stop for you no matter how hard the circumstances are. We all have to move on otherwise we’ll be left behind.

The summer break between finishing my A-levels and coming to university was possibly the hardest three months I have ever experienced. I had just finished school — a place where I was respected was gone, finished. I had also broken up with my first proper boyfriend after two years of not really knowing where I stood or what was going to happen. Everything came to a standstill. I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted. I didn’t even know if I was going to get into university for 2 months after finishing school. I felt depressed. I was at a crossroad and didn’t know how to cross. I didn’t know how to carry on. I felt like I had no purpose and didn’t know what to do about it. I fucked things up massively over that summer, trying new things. Trying to be someone I didn’t know. Trying to find myself. But it didn’t work. I needed more time to discover who I really was. Everything was decided for me on August 13th 2015. I was going to move to Canterbury and study English. My world went from not having any prospects to the world being my oyster.

I am a believer in ‘Everything happens for a reason’. Crossing that road and moving to Canterbury saved me from the person I was slowly becoming back in London. The people I am friends with have shaped me as a person and given me the best two years I could have ever asked for. I would be lost without you beautiful people and can’t imagine my life without you. I have learnt amazing things through laughter and fun and also life lessons through mistakes and heartbreak. I have learned to love, to be open and to really appreciate the little moments you have with others because they will also move on just like you have done.

I am constantly learning and changing and will continue to for the rest of my life. Everything keeps moving and I will move on in turn. I know who I am now and love who I have become. But I am unfinished and constantly changing. Loving and living the journey.



Becca Adelaide

A 21 year old writer, teacher, optimist and enthusiast