Where does a livestream event go when it dies?

Mack Reed
The Moment
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2022

After you livestream your event, does the content die in some giant content farm? Or is it still alive — in parts or as a whole — because people who experienced it are sharing and resharing it easily with the rest of the FOMO world?

Embedding CLIPr to handle your event livestream delivers three distinct advantages over YouTube or Vimeo:

  1. Your audience can react to every moment — tagging each one Liked, Genius, Fire, Thought-provoking, Funny, or Confusing. These deeper, nuanced engagement analytics show not just when viewers engaged, but how they resonated with your speakers on a moment-to-moment basis.
  2. CLIPr automatically indexes these moments on the fly and delivers them in the same embedded player, making them instantly searchable and shareable on social media. That means your community grows itself by spreading the most important moments from your event — sharing content naturally, and virally.
  3. CLIPr serves analytics to your team afterwards — on both the live reactions and reactions and comments that people add to the post-event content.

Here’s how to set it up when you create an account at CLIPr.ai:

Want to know more? Hit us up at info@clipr.ai.

Mack Reed is Director of Product Management at CLIPr, guiding the development of the platform’s functionality, user experience, community, and brand.



Mack Reed
The Moment

Veteran technologist, recovering journalist and longtime maker and Burner. Based in Seattle, where I guide product development for CLIPr.ai.