Moving forward

In the name of progress

TS Lim
Clips of Logic


by T.S. Lim

To move forward, sometimes you need to slow down and make sure you are on the right track. A step in the right direction is worth more than a thousand on the wrong one.

To move forward, sometimes you need to take a step back and take a detour. Whenever you feel like you are stuck, move on to something else and come back to it later. New perspectives may offer new insights.

To move forward, sometimes you need to stop what you are doing and ask yourself if this is worth it. Don’t let the momentum of the situation carry you to a place you don’t want to be. Progress for the sake of progress is pointless.

Let’s all keep moving forward on the right path for real progress.

Originally published at

I write about random insights and thoughts I get between leading a team of product developers and building tech communities. Check out my blog for more articles like this.

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TS Lim
Clips of Logic

CTO @mindvalley, Founder of @flexnode & WebCamp KK. Elixir, Phoenix, Ruby, Rails Dev who loves Product Dev, Tech, Education & blogs at