It May Be Time For A Digital Detox

Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2020

Instagram has grown to a platform with over one billion users in 2017. Despite this platform being for great networking, it has much more of an influence over us then we think. It’s like we are carrying a pocket full of dopamine. Many phycologists associate the addiction to alcohol, gambling, and sex to how we treat social media because of the urge to keep scrolling constantly haunting us. So, how do you draw the line between being at peace with yourselves and being active with your online persona?

It’s important to have this discussion because most of us don’t speak up or aren’t aware of social media is increasing our levels of depression, anxiety, and loneliness; we blame it on other factors. I was raised in a strict household where family quality time was extremely important. So, during New Year’s Eve, when everyone was out partying, I felt very alone in a home filled with family scrolling through my phone. Through conversations and maturity, I’ve learned to put my phone down and appreciate what’s in front of me.

Professional Counselor and Ohio-based Talkspace therapist, Dr. Rachel O’Neill, said, “The more an individual uses social media, the more they tend to detach from everyday life and this detachment might lead to more social media use. Over time, this cycle can lead an individual to rely exclusively on social media as their only form of interaction with others.”

If you realize your emotions are being controlled by your social media activity and don’t feel comfortable speaking about it to anyone, here are a few tips: take a “digital detox” (which is my favorite method when I feel stressed and overwhelmed). I delete all my platforms and I like to read a book outside at a park or in the morning. However, there is no right or wrong way to do a digital detox, do what brings you peace and happiness within. Another tip is being selective of who you follow. When there are a lot of celebrities on your timeline, your mind creates these expectations of how you should look or how you should think. In reality, these celebrities are being photoshopped and are having the same emotions as you. Lastly, with this new iPhone update and new apps coming out, you can track your weekly time on social media by taking baby steps, decreasing your time on platforms so you can create a balance between your online persona and real life. Dr. O’Neill said, “Focus on the attainment of controlled internet use, and the reduction of psychosocial problems directly and indirectly related to internet dependence.”

Social media addiction has been widely studied, and a 2014 meta-analysis on internet addiction suggests that 6% of individuals globally feel a need to stay connected continuously. Apps like Instagram are what keep us tethered to our devices. This data is a reminder that you are not alone and you have someone to talk to; it’s not a silly feeling, but rather a mental health epidemic. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to speak up about it. A lot of your friends will be thankful you did.

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Written by Maria Sanchez

