Time to have CEX on DEX!

Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2023

Clober is officially launching to bring a fully decentralized on-chain CLOB infrastructure to the EVM ecosystem for the first time in human history. Enjoy your first CEX experience on DEX with unlimited limit orders — UNCENSORED.

Why CLOB(Central Limit Order Book)

Revolutionizing market efficiency.

CLOB enables market participants to proactively define the terms of their desired transactions, thereby significantly enhancing the market’s price discovery process. This creates a more flexible trading environment, allowing for a wider range of strategies to be employed. By utilizing CLOB, traders can benefit from a more efficient and customizable trading experience.

A fundamental solution to unsustainable liquidity incentive models.

DeFi protocols often face challenges when it comes to providing liquidity for volatile pairs on Automated Market Makers (AMMs), as it can be a high-risk and unprofitable venture. As a result, these protocols offer substantial incentives to liquidity providers to compensate for this.

The CLOB model offers a solution to this problem. By aggregating the transactional preferences of market participants through limit orders, CLOB creates organic liquidity within the order book, reducing the need for costly liquidity incentives for protocols. This results in a more efficient and cost-effective solution for DeFi projects.

Why On-chain

Trustless, permissionless, and censorship-resistant

The core benefits of being fully on-chain include trustlessness, permissionlessness, censorship resistance, and composability. These features empower users to have full control over their assets and financial activities. Because of its decentralized nature, it removes the risk of censorship or control by a central operator. Also, on-chain protocols are easy to integrate with other DeFi protocols, such as DEX aggregators, lending protocols, and prediction markets built on order book infrastructure, allowing for even more innovative financial applications.

Clober SDK

On-chain order book as a Service

Clober SDK is an on-chain, Software as a Service (SaaS) protocol that enables anyone to create their own LOBSTER-powered on-chain order book market and generate revenue from it.

Clober SDK Benefits

Clober SDK offers a range of benefits to 3rd-party protocols and developers, including:

  • Seamless integration: With Clober SDK, 3rd-party protocols and developers can easily integrate CLOB technology into their platforms, enhancing them with limit order functionality.
  • New market possibilities: The integration of CLOB technology opens up new market possibilities, such as futures, options, derivatives, synthetic assets, and prediction markets.
  • Revenue generation: Protocols that leverage Clober SDK can benefit from fee revenues generated by their markets, maximizing their revenue potential.

No More CEX-ism

Are you ready to take advantage of the full benefits of CLOB on the DeFi ecosystem? Clober is launching soon, in mid-February, offering a fully decentralized on-chain CLOB infrastructure for the first time. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to enjoy unrestricted limit orders and a more efficient and customizable trading experience. Keep an eye out for our launch and join us in revolutionizing the DeFi landscape!

Website: https://clober.io

