What is Clockbeats Management?

Paolo Mantini
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2019

It happens often that artists ask me what my Clockbeats management includes, and it happens even more often that they somehow confuse the management with the booking agency.

Let’s clarify some basic points:


The booking agency is that agency that allows and you to play in parties / events / clubs / festivals and so on.

Is it part of the nightlife and music? Yes, but obviously it works with a final product.

A product (for product I mean an artistic product, a brand, a name, a musical product) must be complete.

Why? Obviously to be attractive to the market must be, his tracks must be danced, his name must be known, or in any case the artist need a good fan base and a good brand.

Everyone dream to be a DJ.
Travel, party, fame. This is good, of course, but is the emotion that makes the difference.
Imagine hundreds, or even thousands of people who dance your music, who sing your music, who do hours and hours in a row to listen to your music.

This makes the difference.


What do you need to get to all this?

Magic question, yeah.

Certainly I’m not telling you new things, for those of you already know them, but trust me, some people have a dream yes, but completely unfounded.

We need perseverance, patience, dedication, and one structure that supports you along the way, that believes in you. THIS IS THE MANAGEMENT.

The management represents the artist, works for him and try fixing brand and music. The management works for the credibility of the ‘product’.

Not all succeed, so many give up before. So many lose the desire.

Like every dream, it must be pursued.

Nothing is simple, and if you think that in one and two years you will be the new top DJ (it can happen, in exceptional cases), normally forget it. It’s the credibility that makes the difference for artists.

And unfortunately (or fortunately) you can’t buy it, it’s created with emotion and dedication.

Originally published at blog.clockbeats.com on January 8, 2019.



Paolo Mantini

💥 Clockbeats.com CEO ⚡️ jam.cool Founder (100k + downloads) 🎹 Record Producer (1000 collaborations done in the music industry so far) ❤️ Music Lover