Clocked In Magazine’s Worst Songs of 2020

Bad year? Well, these songs will certainly make it all worse

Ryan O'Connor
Clocked In Magazine
7 min readDec 27, 2020


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There’s no doubt that we’ve all had a pretty bad year. There’s been some great songs and albums put out this year albeit in a smaller amount. With the good comes the bad however, like a horse to water there’s still been plenty of awful songs released in 2020. It’s time to take out this years garbage, we’ve kept it at 10 because 20 was just too much trash for us to take out.

These following songs were happened upon as I spent my time indoors with little to do besides hunt down new music, so of course in that search I’m going to be disappointed. I will say I had a good time looking back on some of these so I hope you all can find some joy in the bad music we come across.

Here are Clocked In Magazine’s Top 10 Worst Songs of 2020:

10. Green Day: “Meet Me On The Roof”

I didn’t have much faith in a new Green Day album as Revolution Radio was just Green Day confirming they can still play three-chord punk rock to us. On Father of All… however they really outdid their own mediocrity and made the worst album of their career. This song in particular makes use of the albums worst tendencies with the annoying hand claps and overtly radio friendly sound. It just ran every point of defense Green Day has ever had into the ground. The song sounds like a band that has really given up and doesn’t care about their fanbase which epitomizes this album.

9. Black Eyed Peas: “MABUTI”

When I first heard this song it reminded me immediately of that Flo Rida, Pitbull collab like ten years ago that was all about ass. As fun as it is to rap about ass it’s also just a desperate plea for attention and in BEP’s case this is the worst example of it. They may be attempting to try their hand at the danceable Latin pop music but they do it so exploitatively and this just feels shallow.

8. G-Eazy: “Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime”

I always kind of thought Gerald (G-Eazy) was a really boring rapper and this track solidifies that claim. I beg you not to listen to this song while driving because you will crash your car from falling asleep at the wheel. Nothing stands out on it, the drum beat is lazy, Gerald’s raps emit the same emotion of his tired ass eyes and the lyrics speak as though you’re supposed to know what’s going on but this is the album opener. Awful way to start an album but thank you for curing my insomnia Gerald.

7. AC/DC: “Money Shot”

This song just confused and scared the hell out of me. The opening guitars sounded like the first one was playing played outside while the other one was being played right behind me and it made me jump out of my chair. After that there’s really nothing of substance on this song or the entire album for that matter, this song just offended me the most (you all know what the title means). 2020 did not need another AC/DC album at all but… here we are I suppose.

6. McFly: Growing Up (feat. Mark Hoppus)

I guess you could call it a witch hunt for how far and wide I looked for something blink related to hate on when I found this stinker but there’s good reason behind this. The backing music during the verses are the worst attempt at rap beats and rhythms that I’ve ever heard, and I don’t even think the band intended it that way. This song is just so bad, so lost in gen-x irrelevance and just plain dumb. I think it’s cute how they say the line “The best that you can do is not give a…” with an over emphasis on the following “FUCK!” like they’re so controversial saying a swear word. Mark Hoppus is 48 years old and yet he puts swears into his lines the way a 12 year old would and it’s just sad. That’s what this track is: sad.

5. Vybz Kartel: “Not Ok”

One of the worst trends of 2020 was people outside of the pop punk sub-genre trying to revive pop punk. It made for some decent tracks and mashups but we soon realized how cut and paste and generic it all is. This song in particular was the worst offender of the bunch in my eyes because it was not a good mix of the dancehall Kartel reigns supreme in or the pop punk sound. The song features a simple guitar lick on repeat throughout with an accompanying bassline and drum beat and it builds to absolutely nothing. It’s just so dumbed down and it disappointed me in more ways than I expected.

4. Justin Bieber: “Yummy”

This makes the list not just because of the desperate attempts the Beliebers tried and failed to get this to number 1 but just because of how painfully average it is. This songs exists in a sea of trap ballads that everyone’s utilizing on TikTok and that’s about as far as this song will reach: background music for kids TikToks. The Biebs always made music that even if you disliked it the song still stayed with you but “Yummy” is just a taste that didn’t sit well with anyone.

3. The Offspring: “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)”

It’s difficult listening to this because Dexter Holland’s voice simply does not work on these overproduced songs, he sounds like he’s trying to reach heights he simply can’t. The guitars on this song sound so hidden by the generic Christmas bells, it’s almost like no effort was put into this. People say Green Day sold out but the Offspring is a band that should also be pointed at in the conversation.

2. Trey Lewis: “Dicked Down In Dallas”

I don’t hate country music but I have to say some of the trends within the genre lately are so lame. I can at least appreciate this song for forgoing the often backhanded sexual nature of country music in favor of just shoving it in your face with this song but the problem is this song sounds dead serious. I can’t help but not feel bad for the man who’s girlfriend is getting some dick down in Dallas because Trey Lewis sings it in such a matter-of-fact way that just kills the song for me. The music is obviously not outstanding either it’s just your standard country twang so this song is really nothing more than a gimmick.

1. A Bunch of Celebrities: “Imagine (John Lennon Cover)”

This was the most offensive thing that happened this year. Coronavirus may have ravaged this year to no end but this one just kicked us while we were down. A bunch of rich ass celebs trying to relate to the public has never been more insulting. The problem is not just that it was insulting to us but each person singing it gets worse and worse. There’s no flow in the singing because 90% of the people in it cannot sing. This video is without a doubt the most brain dead song that came out this year.

We hope you had a good year and that these songs did not plague your year as COVID has. Is there any tracks that you think should be on the list? Then please let us know!



Ryan O'Connor
Clocked In Magazine

BA — Bridgewater State University, English Student w/ Minor in Latin American/Caribbean Studies Music journalist