Watchlist Wednesday: Greylock & BEDTIMEMAGIC

Killing two birds with one stone, featuring two amazing Boston bands and their split EP

Ryan O'Connor
Clocked In Magazine
3 min readFeb 11, 2021


Greylock & BEDTIMEMAGIC’s Split EP out February 12th

Boston is a mess these days, it’s kicking out every tenant that doesn’t make ridiculous amounts of money every year in favor of destroying the cities rich culture and history for yuppies who want to come here and play Bostonian. It’s bleak for those who are actually from here and deal with the harsh reality that comes from poverty and living in a city that wants to force you out and will do anything to do so. These bleak realities serve as the canvas for local bands Greylock and BEDTIMEMAGIC, two punishing and sludgy bands who are probably one of the best mashups in recent memory.

Greylock, a two piece sludge band composed of Mike Moderski on guitar and vocals and Jesse Vengrove on drums. They’ve so far teased two tracks for this split, one called “Do Not Revive” and the other called “Pusher.” The first track is a three minute doom/drone inspired cut full of the promised desolation and hopelessness the band said they’d deliver. Mike’s vocals in particular are what make this track feel so demoralized, he truly sounds as if he is screaming inside a dark and empty hole that some evil force has imprisoned him in. If you live in the Boston area this isn’t far from the truth. I think this track perfectly established the EP’s mood and was a great opener.

Their second track, the crushing “Pusher” is an example of how the band’s nihilism is upfront and direct and completely punishing as the duo grinds across a more galloping rhythm as opposed to the drone sound on the previous track. Still the muddy sludge sound loses none of its thickness and the track crushes your ears as Mike once again screams his hopeless confessional to us. The line “You’re a pusher with a sly grin And I’m in need of a written script” is such a great metaphor for drug abuse that’s currently suffocating the areas tenants, it’s not too subtle nor is it too upfront. These two tracks alone have me salivating for this one side of the EP and from there we move on to side B.

BEDTIMEMAGIC offers up one track called “shuteye” and even in its brief presentation I can tell the band has so much to offer us. Clocking in at thirty-two seconds the band displays a heaviness that makes you forget they’re even playing without guitars. Bassist and co-lead vocalist Nicholas Pentabona utilizes his Rickenbacker 4003 to blast heavy ass rhythms almost akin to Converge into our ears. It’s the heaviest I’ve heard a Rickenbacker bass sound since Lemmy from Motörhead, which is saying A LOT. Drummer Morgan Berns also assists in the heaviness with his destructive battering of the drums to elevate Nicholas’ playing as well as keep the tempo well above the speed limits. Did I also mention he plays foot-organ while slamming the shit out of his drums? Because that’s pretty damn impressive as well.

This track itself is probably the heaviest and grimiest I’ve heard from BEDTIMEMAGIC and they’ve displayed some pretty hefty material in the past. Something about “shuteye” however just pushes the band over the threshold and I can honestly say it’s an amazing sound for them. The tracks brief length is such a tease to us because I only want more from this band but I have to wait for it. I think we could all use more BEDTIMEMAGIC in our lives, don’t you agree?

The two bands are definitely poised to put out an amazing release and display the bond they share of both understanding the struggles of this community and how their style of music compliments each other. I love the fact that the two bands are basically looking across the abyss that separates them and are able to combine their efforts to make a diverse and absolutely pummeling tracklist. This EP is going to be an amazing listen so be sure to catch it on Friday, February 12th.



Ryan O'Connor
Clocked In Magazine

BA — Bridgewater State University, English Student w/ Minor in Latin American/Caribbean Studies Music journalist