Watchlist Wednesday: MOVE

The Boston hardcore moshers just delivered one of the most politically relevant and punishing EP’s on Triple B Records

Ryan O'Connor
Clocked In Magazine
3 min readMar 3, 2021


Boston hardcore newcomers Move have just released their debut EP Freedom Dreams on Triple B Records and the records sound and statements are some of the most poignant and timely for the current political climate. After the summer of 2020 was filled with news of protests across the globe in the wake of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor’s murders the media decided to end its coverage of the increasing racial tensions and the systematic oppression that lead to such protests. It’s apparent however that these things are still ongoing and they’re worse than ever and these are the topics Move seeks to address.

Inequality and racism are the lyrical themes vocalist Corey fills these songs with and he wastes absolutely no time letting us know where he stands and what it is he stands for. His vocals also help elevate his impassioned and punctual statements against police brutality, scummy Boston landlords, classism and the systemic racism that people want to deny is running rampant in America.

Despite coming across such bands whose outspoken personal politics I agree with many times over the years it’s been a while since I heard one of them that’s more exciting to listen to than Move. They pack their songs with beefy breakdowns and pounding rhythms to the point that you can feel the messages being delivered to you with right and left hooks. It’s pummeling and it’s the perfect sound to drive the bands message home.

Along with the talented Boston band delivering these necessary messages comes a host of features. The best thing about this record is that Move practices what they preach: unity. Vocalist for Chicago’s Buggin’ Bryanna Bennett makes an appearance the title track as they and Corey scream “Freedom Dreams!” to close out the explosive track. My personal favorite feature on the EP has to be Chanel from Wisdom & War featured on the song “Righteous Unrest.” Chanel’s vocals soar on the closing verse:

“If you won’t listen you’ll be forced to see,

Watch the flames rise up and hear the screams

From those who enforce and now they hear our voice

We want justice


Chanel’s got an instantly recognizable voice to me and it compliments her delivery, combining rapping and screams, so well. Her feature here has me looking forward to Wisdom & War’s next record.

Without a doubt Move have established a sound and message that I believe sets them apart in the scene. They’re not just making tunes that are great to mosh to, they’re driving forward a narrative and a message that people need to pay attention to, which is that Black Lives Matter. It seems like the general population dropped the sentiment as soon as the news stopped paying attention. Bands like Move are here to make sure it stays prevalent.

Be sure to pick up Move’s new 7 inch Freedom Dreams over at Triple B Records and follow the band on bandcamp



Ryan O'Connor
Clocked In Magazine

BA — Bridgewater State University, English Student w/ Minor in Latin American/Caribbean Studies Music journalist