Cloderaldo Morales Pampanga III
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2023


Here are five basic Flutter project ideas for beginners, along with brief descriptions for each:

1. **To-Do List App**:
— **Description**: Create a simple to-do list app where users can add, edit, and delete tasks. It’s an excellent project to learn about basic UI design, state management, and user input handling.

2. **Weather App**:
— **Description**: Build a weather app that fetches weather data from an API and displays it to the user. This project will introduce you to making network requests, parsing JSON data, and displaying it in a user-friendly way.

3. **Calculator App**:
— **Description**: Develop a calculator app with basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This project will help you understand how to handle user input and perform calculations.

4. **BMI Calculator**:
— **Description**: Build a Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator app. Users can input their weight and height, and the app calculates and displays their BMI along with a brief interpretation of the result. This project is great for understanding user input validation and conditional rendering.

5. **Random Quote Generator**:
— **Description**: Create an app that displays random inspirational quotes to users. You can fetch quotes from an API or use a predefined list. This project will teach you about handling asynchronous operations and basic app navigation.

These projects are designed to cover fundamental concepts in Flutter, including UI design, state management, user input, network requests, and basic logic. As you complete these projects, you’ll gain valuable experience and confidence in building Flutter applications.



Cloderaldo Morales Pampanga III

Always eager to explore new technologies and share knowledge through writing.