6 Ways To Create A Compelling Product Page That Converts

DCKAP Integrator
Published in
6 min readMar 22, 2021


What is a product detail page?

Consider this, a visitor lands on your website and strolls through the various category pages, and finally clicks on a product.

Here’s what it all comes down to, you need to have well-designed eCommerce product pages to ensure that the page is neither absent nor overloaded with information underwhelming or overwhelming the visitor. Since any prospective customer cannot touch, feel, or in many cases wear the product before purchasing, it’s your product page’s layout, design, and information that will determine will a visitor turn into a buyer or not.

To help you hit the ground running, here are six ways to create eCommerce product page designs that increase conversion. These six are industry best practices so make sure you try to include as many as possible.

#1 Use Clear Visuals

Research by Hubspot mentions that content maintained with relevant photos gets a whopping 94% more interaction compared to the content that is not. Humans are sensory beings and we trust our senses more. This information carries a lot of significance when it comes to eCommerce product pages.

Let’s explore why?

  • Images visually communicate the intricate details of the product to a visitor. A high resolution and zoomable image will allow for more interaction with the product. Including product images from multiple angles will also provide a holistic understanding to the visitor.
  • Not only do images have a huge impact on the product it also improves the overall user experience. Be mindful of the technical implications as not all users will have fast internet or great hardware, plus they might be viewing your online store across various platforms (phone, tablet, desktop). Any issues with these can affect the user experience and bottom-line conversions too.
  • Create a visual community — Selling items that customers can use or wear? Ask them to share photos using your products and showcase them on your website. Not only this adds to the tremendous social proof but also influences customers with the same persona to buy your products.

#2 Highlight Your CTA (Call-To-Action)

A call-to-action (CTA) is exactly what it sounds — a request or call for customers to take the desired action.

A prominent CTA makes it easy for a visitor to act. A CTA could be for anything, “Sign Up”, “Buy Now” etc. Introducing various colors can become key in evoking emotions that can drive the desired action.

You can proactively engage with your visitors by introducing the correct CTAs, at the right place and page you can concentrate their attention and increase your conversions.

#3 A Clear Page Navigation

Any experience that is easy to navigate makes a satisfying impact on the overall UX. Your site structure should be designed in a way that tells the visitor clearly about different product pages they’re scrolling through.

Ideally, you would want a visitor on your online store to start from your website’s homepage, then moving onto exploring categories, then subcategories until they find the product they’re looking for. If you can make this process simpler the customers will want to keep exploring your page, if not they will abandon your online store.

Make sure that your users can easily switch and move between important sections of the website and have clear product information to locate their product and information needs.

#4 Create Precise & Informative Product Descriptions

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of a successful product page is the information you put into it. The best product descriptions create a wonderful and lasting impression while conveying the message easily. If you want to create a high converting description answer the following when writing them:

  • Who is the product for?
  • What is the product used for?
  • How does the product work?
  • What sets it apart?
  • Why should visitors purchase the product?
  • Why should visitors purchase the product?

There are other conversions worthy

  • Speak to your target audience: There are many more questions left unanswered than approaching the product copy. Whether your tone be formal, or informal? Whether you lean on the technical aspects of the products in your descriptions or focus on their aesthetics? So the easy way out is to understand the main considerations of your customers.
  • Bridge the gap between features and benefits: A feature is essentially a fact about your product or service. The benefit will answer how the feature is beneficial for your consumer. Tell them exactly “how” a selective feature brings utility, and “why” should they make this purchase.
  • If your product descriptions bridge the gap between features and benefits, it can lessen buyer’s second-guessing and assist the buying decision. For example, stating that a shirt is 100% organic cotton, sweat-free and anti-allergy justifies its steep price.

#5 Chatbots — The Power Of Live Chats

Chatbots are extremely helpful companions. As Deloitte says, customers are increasingly demanding instant forms of communication — messaging apps and social media have replaced emails and phone calls — especially in personal life.

No matter how user-friendly your page might be with all the FAQs and brilliant UX you can still make it better. There’s nothing wrong with investing in a live chat innovation to improve the customer experience.

Instant access to information can make the user feel that they’re always connected with your company at every stage of conversion.

Besides delivering information, chatbots can also influence sales. A capable chatbot can automate the sales procedure to streamline it from beginning to end.

eCommerce store owners can use chatbots to simplify your brand’s sales process and generate more sales quickly. Because online shoppers say, they require assistance while completing their orders. And 75% of the customers expect help within five minutes.

Chatbots can help provide a frictionless sales process.

You can read in-depth about it here.

#6 Fast, Faster, Fastest — Mind Your Website Speeds

Maybe you want to embed a high-speed 4K product video, include multiple HD shots of your products, or put 3D models of your product. That’s great but while this may help your customer it can leave the product page overwhelmed. Your loading time is paramount and you have to ensure that customers can carry out seamless transactions across all channels and platforms without any speed hassles.

What’s worse than failed transactions? Slow Transactions That Take Forever To Complete.


Internet is getting increasingly personalized. Today everyone loves a platform/website that speaks directly to them. Any successful eCommerce website understands visitor’s expectations and then pivots the website according to their need.

Their information is designed around a central node: The Customer.

While you create your product pages understand that what your visitors expect. All the facts mentioned here are tested in the industry by eCommerce giants and have a proven ROI.

You can always try and test new methods that work for you while using these to increase conversions. Be creative. Your eCommerce store is will be different, with a separate set of target audiences, product lineup, and specializations. So test at scale, choose what works for you, discard what doesn’t.

In the end, these practices combined with your creativity will grow your sales exponentially. 🚀

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This article was originally published on Cloras.

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DCKAP Integrator

Product Management & Design Thinking. Nottingham, United Kingdom.