Close Encounter

From: Rob Smit’s Dimensional Gateway

Rob Smit
1 min readMar 21, 2014

It happened in the park near my house, when I was on my way to the station to go to work. The birds fell quiet, and a large, bright light descended from above. The first thing I did was grab my iPhone and take a photo, then I started to walk towards the light. But when I came close I started to feel dizzy, and I lost consciousness.

Later. The light was gone, a few worried people were kneeling next to me. But they needn’t worry, because I felt better than ever. And I sensed things, knew things, that I’d never experienced before. So I started an incredible journey, iPhone at hand, to discover aspects of reality so strange that I’m still not totally convinced they are real.



Rob Smit

The world consists of rings within rings, within the rings are worlds within worlds. The circle is the foundation of the universe.