Steve Jobs and the Black Mock Turtleneck

Former Apple CEO’s Iconic Uniform & May Book Giveaway

Saara Kamppari-Miller
Closet Minimal


Steve Jobs: Black Mock Turtleneck, Blue Levi Jeans, New Balance Sneakers. Photo Credit: Matthew Yohe

Steve Jobs is probably the first example that comes to people’s minds when they hear about a personal uniform, especially among tech crowds. According to Walter Isaacson in his book Steve Jobs:

[Steve Jobs] came to like the idea of having a uniform for himself, both because of its daily convenience (the rationale he claimed) and its ability to convey a signature style.

The back cover of the book Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. You could get this face on your coffee table!

May 2018 Book Giveaway

This month we are tipping our hat to one of our heroes at Closet Minimal by giving away a copy of the book Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson! The winner will be picked on the 25th of May, 2018.

This book giveway is only available to residents of the United States who are 18 years or older. Read the full giveaway rules for more information.

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Get one additional entry for the book giveaway by tweeting a link to this article, tagging us @Closet_Minimal and include the following hashtags: #SteveJobs #PersonalUniform

Here’s an example of what you could tweet:

Black Mock Turtleneck. Blue Levi Jeans. New Balance Sneakers. #SteveJobs #PersonalUniform Want to learn more about Steve Jobs? Enter the book giveaway from @Closet_Minimal

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Don’t create multiple email addresses or Twitter accounts to make multiple giveaway submissions. If we discover cheating, those entries will be ineligible. Read the full giveaway rules for more information.


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Saara Kamppari-Miller
Closet Minimal

Inclusive DesignOps Program Manager at Intel. DesignOps Summit Curator. Eclipse Chaser.