“Real Life Legislators” share candid reflections & first-hand advice with aspiring future colleagues. From left to right: Asm. Akilah Weber, M.D., Asm. Sabrina Cervantes (CTG Class of 2016), Asm. Rebecca Bauer-Kahan (CTG Class of 2018)

2022 Sacramento Symposium Recap

Close the Gap California Team
Close the Gap California
4 min readJul 20, 2022


Getting prospective candidates prepared as early as possible makes all the difference.

Close the Gap held our fifth biannual Sacramento Symposium on May 23rd and 24th, 2022. This is the earliest in an election cycle we have ever held this event — and it was intentional. While 2024 seems like a lifetime away, moving prospective candidates from contemplation to action as early as possible is how we increase the number of women who run and win.

From left to right: ED Susannah Delano; Asm. Wendy Carrillo (CTG Class of 2017); Gabriel Castellanos, Pruitt Consulting; Molly Watson, California Donor Table, Black Women’s Democratic Club and CTG; Ada Briceño, Orange County Democrats; Amber Baur, UFCW

After a long hiatus from in-person events, nearly 20 prospective women candidates and more than 50 top political influencers came together at the Citizen Hotel to shape the next class of aspiring legislators via a full day of workshops, panel discussions, and “speed dating.”

Close the Gap’s comprehensive exploration process is designed to culminate with the Sacramento Symposium. So while a prospective candidate arrives at the event with a lot of coaching already under her belt, the connections, practice sessions, and advice she receives here help her take that next step to determine if it’s the right time for her to run.

Our process ensures that if and when she does decide to run, she has the know-how, confidence, and connections to launch a competitive campaign.

Here’s what some of our attending prospective candidates had to say about the Sacramento Symposium:

From left to right: ERA ED Noreen Farrell; Susan McEntire, Assembly Dems; Yvette Martinez, CADEM; Michelle Jeung, MJE Strategies; Rose Kapolczynski, CTG Senior Political Consultant; State Controller Betty Yee

In addition to hearing directly from currently elected women about their paths to victory and how each navigates the challenges and rewards of service, attendees also participated in two workshops designed to build concrete skills while deepening overall sophistication around the complex political realities of Sacramento.

The day concluded with “Speed Dating,” consistently the highest rated Symposium activity by all attendees. Speed dating is like a dress rehearsal for candidacy, in a safe space: prospective candidates are asked ahead of time to prepare a short elevator pitch, and practice delivering it one-on-one to a series of top Sacramento political insiders and influencers.

After six 15-minute “dates,” a prospective candidate has received a wide array of valuable feedback, and most importantly, now has a very concrete reference point for what it is to dive in and launch a campaign.

Left: Conversing at our Reception the evening before the Sacramento Symposium; Right: CTG Executive Board Vice Chair Dr. Pratima Gupta

We want to thank all of our speakers and especially Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber for kicking off our two-day event with inspirational words at the Symposium Reception…

As well as our fabulous Symposium Sponsors whose support allows us to continue to recruit progressive women in California.

And a special shoutout to our volunteers who helped make this an extra impactful event!

Close the Gap staff, consultants, and volunteers

Close the Gap California is committed to building on progressive women’s historic momentum by recruiting them statewide and achieving equality in California by 2028. Join us!

About Close the Gap California

Close the Gap California (CTGCA) is a statewide campaign launched in 2013 to close the gender gap in the California Legislature by 2028. By recruiting accomplished, progressive women in targeted districts and preparing them to launch competitive campaigns, CTGCA is changing the face of the Legislature one cycle at a time.

Nearly one in every three women members in the Legislature is a CTGCA Recruit. 11 of 12 Recruits serving today are women of color, and ALL are committed to reproductive freedom, quality public education, and combatting poverty.



Close the Gap California Team
Close the Gap California

Close the Gap California is a campaign for parity in the CA State Legislature by recruiting progressive women to run. 20 Recruits serve today! closethegapca.org