Interview Series: Conversations with the CTGCA Team

Jessica Sass
Close the Gap California
3 min readNov 24, 2020


The way to bring progressive change is to confront the truth and to look inward and analyze the conditions that allowed for inequities to spread in the first place.

For generations, female storytellers have been introspective. They looked at their positionality as part of a system. Although women’s pain and hardships are individual and nuanced, the story of healing is universal.

bell hooks recognized that action is rooted in healing and that a mind open to possibilities is the doorway to change. She said, “to demand of ourselves and our comrades an openness of mind and heart that allows us to face reality even as we collectively imagine ways to move beyond boundaries, to transgress.”

Power structures implemented by predominantly white men were divisive intentionally. And still are. They leave women without a space at the table and in the conversation. As women, we have to embrace our worth and importance, without seeking validation from “the system.” We must find validation in ourselves and lift each other up.

We must elevate the stories from previous generations of advocates and share their narratives to inspire current and future generations of women to keep fighting to reach gender equality.

When we hear about political organizations like Close the Gap California, it’s often a cursory, topline description — a women’s support group for progressive women running for office. We don’t often learn the stories of volunteers and staff who are the heart of the organization. Good governance is rooted in principles and values. These principles and values are lived by the women behind Close the Gap California, some of whom I had the privilege of speaking with.

These are their stories.

We encourage you to bookmark this page, as it will continue to be updated with links to additional interviews.

- Mary Hughes, Founder of Close the Gap California

- Susannah Delano, Executive Director of Close the Gap California

- Janet Cook, Lead Volunteer Recruiter for Close the Gap California

- Emily Getoff, Volunteer Recruiter and Kathrina Abrot, Scout for Close the Gap California

- Ennette Morton, Volunteer Scout for Close the Gap California

- Rose Kapolczynski, Sr. Political Consultant for Close the Gap California

- Elizabeth Beheler, Volunteer for Close the Gap California

- Dr. Pratima Gupta, Executive Board Member for Close the Gap California

- Jane Kim, Executive Board Member for Close the Gap California

Close the Gap California is committed to building on progressive women’s historic momentum by recruiting them statewide and achieving equality in California by 2028. Join us!

About Close the Gap California

Close the Gap California (CTGCA) is a statewide campaign launched in 2013 to close the gender gap in the California Legislature by 2028. By recruiting accomplished, progressive women in targeted districts and preparing them to launch competitive campaigns, CTGCA is changing the face of the Legislature one cycle at a time.

One in every four women in the Legislature is a CTGCA Recruit. Our Recruits are committed to reproductive justice, quality public education, and combatting poverty, and nine of 10 serving today are women of color.



Jessica Sass
Close the Gap California

Media & Political Studies at Pitzer College | Intern at Close The Gap | Research Assistant | Idealist | Trying to do some good