Race, Opportunity, and U.S. Cities: #LC25Years

Jeff Raderstrong
Closing the Racial Gaps
2 min readSep 27, 2016

Next up during our online and in-person event, Closing the Racial Gaps, was an esteemed panel discussion with seven of the leading thinkers and doers on racial equity in the US. Moderated by Living Cities Tynesia Boyea-Robinson, Director of Collective Impact, the panel included:

  • Angela Glover Blackwell, President and CEO of PolicyLink
  • Glenn Harris, President of the Center for Social Inclusion
  • Blair Taylor, CEO of My Brother’s Keeper Alliance
  • Sarah Wartell, President of Urban Institute
  • Rashad Robinson, Executive Director of Color of Change
  • Nick Turner, President and Director of Vera Institute of Justice
  • Lata Reddy, Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility and President of the Prudential Foundation

The conversation covered an amazing expanse of topics and issues — from #BlackLivesMatter, to structural inequities in our cities, to mass incarceration, to the role of local and federal government in closing racial gaps. Questions from the audience and online included the role of the private sector in dismantling racial barriers and how to move from research to action. The session concluded with each panelist saying what one thing people in the room need to work together on to move the needle on racial equity.

The insights and takeaways are too numerous to fully summarize, but here are a few of the major highlights from the discussion:

As part of our 25th anniversary celebrations, Living Cities is hosting a Virtual Event for our broader network to engage in critical conversation around Closing Racial Opportunity Gaps. We encourage you to tune-in, share your thoughts, provide feedback, and partake in conversation with participants.



Jeff Raderstrong
Closing the Racial Gaps

Senior Assoc @Living_Cities. Founder of @UnSectored. Tweets are my own and should never be taken seriously.