The Ultimate Spring Closet Cleanout: If not now, then when?

Anja Sejfic
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2020

Let’s admit it straight away: you know this summer is going to be different from all others.

Different because you have just experienced weeks of mobility restrictions (maybe even total confinement) and can’t wait to get back out there.

Different because due to the situation you were in, your mind and body have changed.

And different because this year you don’t actually have control over what your summer will look like.

One thing you can control though, is how your wardrobe looks this summer. Because whether you’ve accepted it or not, we’re in the middle of spring and summer is well on her way! So let’s admit that it’s time to get your wardrobe ready for the big season change.

Now, you have probably been stuck at home for the better part of the last few months and your wardrobe hasn’t been a big priority as the only choices you had to make were between sweatpants A and sweatpants B.

We totally feel you, but being stuck at home also means having a lot of time on your hands. So what better time than now to actually get off the couch, put on some music, walk towards your closet, do the biggest closet cleanout ever, and feel amazing afterwards?

Because you might not know what this summer will look like, but you’ll at least make sure that your outfits are amazing through all of it 🔥 — and that you can actually find them in your wardrobe.

Here are the tips from Closit that will help you get your closet cleaned out like never before! Follow these, take your summer clothes out of confinement, and make some money while you’re at it ✨

When going through your items, try to make 4 piles:

  1. Love it, I wear it all the time
  2. I want to keep this, don’t ask me why
  3. Haven’t worn this in forever / won’t wear it in the future but it’s in good shape
  4. This item is not in good shape anymore

Number 1 is obviously the pile of clothes that will remain in your closet. Number 2 will remain as well (don’t worry, we all have these items). Number 4 is the pile that you should either throw away or (if in good enough shape) donate, and number 3 are the clothes that you will sell and make money with.

So after doing your big spring closet cleanout, you will not only have an amazing looking closet, but you will also have an opportunity to make someone else happy with your items and make money at the same time!

This is the part where Closit comes in.

After going through all those clothes in your wardrobe, the last thing you want is to have to go through pile number 3 again, take photo’s of each item, post them online, wait for someone to reply, then (if sold) deal with all the logistics and finally receive a couple of bucks. What you want is to sell multiple items and make money without spending too much time on it, right?

That’s exactly what we thought, and that’s why Closit exists: the Closit-app lets you organise and host a closet sale event, wherever and however you want. All you need to do is 1) download the app, 2) create an event, and 3) invite your friends.

You can decide where you hold the event (at your place / at a friend’s place / in a public space), who you host the event with (alone / with a friend), and who you invite (you can opt for a private, semi-private or public event).

Once your event is set-up, all you have to do is be there, socialize, sell your items to the attendees (payment can be done however you prefer), and you’ll end the day with a smaller amount of clothes and a bigger amount of money. Just like that.

So, want to clean out your closet and make some money at the same time? Sign up here to become a Closit-host and we’ll be in touch! Or you can just download our app and start organising your closet sale!

