Clothes Maketh The Man — Part 69.

Fiona Dobson
Clothes Maketh The Man
9 min readApr 3, 2024


“So, wait a minute,” I said. “Are you telling me we’re the good guys?”

“Of course we’re the good guys. Well, girls,” Annabel corrected herself. “Gino here works for FDA. They’re our client.”

My head was spinning. I was trying to reconcile the words I was hearing with the things that had been happening to me for the past few months.

Annabel continued, “We work for several government agencies. But right now we should be moving along. I can take you through the full organisational flow chart some time, but now may not be the moment. We need to get out of here quickly.”

“I’d better take care of sleeping beauty back there,” said Gino. “It might buy us some time.”

He turned to leave, the .44 in his hand.

“’Take care of him?’,” I said. “You’re going to kill him?”

“No, but I’m going to make sure he isn’t going anywhere. And I’m going to make sure he can’t rouse anyone for a while. There’s some duct tape in there and I can leave him in a closet.” He pushed the 44 into his pants. “We don’t just go around killing people, you know. What kind of people do you think we are?”

“You’d better hurry it up, we don’t have a lot of time,” said Annabel.



Fiona Dobson
Clothes Maketh The Man

The trans blog you’ll love even if you’ve never tried on your sister’s panties.